Recent content by Ten10dix

  1. Ten10dix

    The mission is on Nal Hutta, I was simply comparing Nal Hutta to Coruscant but I forget to...

    The mission is on Nal Hutta, I was simply comparing Nal Hutta to Coruscant but I forget to mention the planet was Nal Hutta (though it was in the mission description). I've edited it to better reflect that.
  2. Ten10dix

    The Jedi Hunter

    Vandar did not like cities. He only ever visited planets such as Coruscant when the jobs were big time, and this counted as one of those times. To compare Nar Shaddaa to Coruscant would have once been like comparing a small rusted star fighter to a prime and ready battleship. Not anymore though...
  3. Ten10dix

    Imperial Knight Social Thread

    Very nearly too excited to type, but still actually able to type.
  4. Ten10dix


    That's space military, I'll be in the regular army unless we are all in the military in which case I'll make some sort of intelligence officer/diplomat, so we can have all areas covered by PCs (mostly). Also, as Weiss pointed out above, we will need a leader. We'll also probably need a whole...
  5. Ten10dix

    NPCers for Jedi Missions

    Of course, that goes without saying. What is the missions' name, and where might I find it? I've looked over the Jedi Mission Directory and couldn't find it.
  6. Ten10dix

    Hutt Cartel Mission Database

    Character: Karl Moore Link: In signature Mission: That's the Business, Baby Question: Would I have to have an NPC for this? Unless someone else wants to join in, I'm sure Karl could handle this himself. If so, could I just write the entire thing up and have someone review it or something? This...
  7. Ten10dix

    NPCers for Jedi Missions

    I'd be interested in RPing the Huttese Bounty Hunter. I'm an Enforcer in the Hutt Cartel, so I'm assuming I qualify. I guessing this bounty hunter can be whatever I chose him/her to be (within the realms of reality)?
  8. Ten10dix


    My idea for my character involves him/her being a part of the Military as a tank commander with moderate piloting skills in most other vehicles. Because of the sheer lack of members, would this be appropriate or is there any other areas in need of filling? I don't want all of us to bunch into...
  9. Ten10dix

    Resistence Leaders (Mercenaries United)

    Tank, its your turn to post I believe. Just a reminder xD.
  10. Ten10dix


    I wouldn't mind creating a character for the Chiss, just as long as I'm not creating the character for nothing.
  11. Ten10dix

    Resistance Leaders ((Mercenaries United))

    "I hope to leave with 40, but expect it will be something nearer to 30. You never can tell with these resistance groups, some are well funded. Others are just a bunch of people with a grudge and a few pointy sticks..." They began to walk towards the entrance, and Karl took the opportunity to...
  12. Ten10dix

    Resistence Leaders (Mercenaries United)

    Oh no, I'm fine with it, I just didn't know. I thought he'd made some sort of mistake, but it seems I was the one who was mistaken. Just ignore me xD.
  13. Ten10dix

    J.J. Abrams wants to take 'Star Wars: Episode VII' back to the series' grittier roots

    Empire was by far my favorite movie out of all six. The scenes on Bespin in particular, especially when the gang meet Vader for tea. That scene is engraved in my mind. Plus the lightsaber battle at the end was really good. I like the flashiness of the prequels but the emotion of the originals...
  14. Ten10dix

    J.J. Abrams wants to take 'Star Wars: Episode VII' back to the series' grittier roots

    They won't intentionally mess it up, that sort of thing won't sell. I'm just worried they accidentally mess it up. The prequels didn't bother me too much, because I wasn't really focused on the story but the universe itself. Same with the prequels, really. The story was meh, but I just love...
  15. Ten10dix

    Resistence Leaders (Mercenaries United)

    I thought this was only us two as the negotiators? I don't mean to be rude, but why did Fenix post?