Recent content by Tol Menrilo

  1. Tol Menrilo

    Ask What's Up, Doc?

    What's Up, Doc? Patientbloodmanagement ---------------------------------------- After talking about the bloodmanagement she had agreed on, Tol was very happy with the work he had accomplished till now... He also nodded, when asked if the facility...
  2. Tol Menrilo

    Ask What's Up, Doc?

    What's up, Doc? The aftermath... ---------------------------------------- Tol was working on the protocol in the Bacta-Tank room, and saw Cyutadakyr standing near the Tank staring at it for minutes... He kind of startled for a second, as she...
  3. Tol Menrilo

    Ask What's Up, Doc?

    What's Up, Doc? The heat is on... ---------------------------------------- Tol sat at his desk, looking around his private room and grinning over the accomplishments he had made today. He was finally done with setting up the computers...
  4. Tol Menrilo

    Ask What's Up, Doc?

    What's up, Doc? ...The issue with the tissue... ---------------------------------------- Tol nodded when he heard about the precautions and the restrictions about his work. He didnt mind those restrictions since he became kind of a loner throughout the years on Kamino and was either...
  5. Tol Menrilo

    Ask What's Up, Doc?

    Tol opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he was looking at. The first room was a small but had useful equipment contained... at least for a secretary... there were desks and some computers yet, no medical or biological equipment in sight... "Well, that was certainly an unexpected...