Recent content by Victor-Ryder

  1. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Nu-Vaal Class on Telepathy

    "Have you had encounters with telepathy in the past?" Victor did a quick search of his memory and found nothing relevant but another teacher's lessons. -More or less, Professor Boosk has a habit of using telepathy to get the attention of students during his lessons... Other than that, never...
  2. Victor-Ryder

    Open Where the Force Leads

    Almec furrowed an eyebrow as he heard the Jedi. Whether he knew something or whether the gesture was just a reaction to the strange story, it wasn't impossible to notice. The Monk didn't give much information at first, basically dedicated himself to talking about the various faces of the Force...
  3. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Razliubiti

    Bantha's sandwich was very good. Victor devoted himself to appreciating him as he listened to Roanoke's words. It was strange how shy the newbie seemed to be. Had he really been a sith? How did someone like that manage to survive among them? The young Morellian followed and absorbed every word...
  4. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Mynocks!

    The young Morelian followed the pango, following its steps. "You have your blade, yes? It seems we will be needing them today after all. Come!" -It's here. The young man's hand rested instinctively on the saber strapped to his waist. -But I didn't think the little monsters had annoyed you that...
  5. Victor-Ryder

    Open Where the Force Leads

    The Jedi walked with the Monk and the women. He watched everything with attention and admiration, it was fantastic for a young padawan like him. He recognized one or two symbols, from the books in the Jedi temple, but most he didn't know and the "message" on the walls didn't make sense. There...
  6. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Nu-Vaal Class on Telepathy

    -Whoops! Sorry! Victor bumped into a group of students who were walking in the opposite direction to him. The padawan ran through the corridors -Shit! Late for another class. The young man was already becoming a pro at it, being late was already one of his "main skills". But not this time, this...
  7. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Mynocks!

    Victor was amused by the situation, the pango was big and clumsy and was taking a mynock ball. When the creature stuck to the big guy's face, Victor grimaced. -Woooo! It's going to leave marks. Victor watched the "fight" and in the end could see Bors come out as the winner. The mynock got the...
  8. Victor-Ryder

    Open Where the Force Leads

    Victor hoped to get more out of the man and was disappointed with the response, but noting that he couldn't get much more out of him, the Jedi withdrew from the market. Instinctively he followed the woman, heading toward the temple. As the Jedi walked, she couldn't help but find it strange that...
  9. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Mynocks!

    -Oh shit! Victor was soaked in honey-wine . He wiped his face with his hands the way he could. -Every second I start to like these little guys even less. He wasn't really angry, in fact the whole situation was comical, if it weren't for the risk of the mynocks exploding, Victor would even be...
  10. Victor-Ryder

    Open Where the Force Leads

    The woman's words fueled the Jedi's contempt for the Sisters of the Night. Killing a defenseless person in cold blood was a vile and unnecessary act. Leaving him alive might be a risk, but killing him was not an option. Victor would let the Force decide, whether it was the will of the Force that...
  11. Victor-Ryder

    Open Where the Force Leads

    -I don't really care what he has to say. Just kill him and be done with it. The Jedi's eyes rolled back and he grimaced in disgust. Killing a unarmed, helpless man was not an option for him. -He's not a threat now. Victor looked over his shoulder. -There's no reason to kill him. He looked back...
  12. Victor-Ryder

    Open Where the Force Leads

    Everything happened very quickly as expected. The bandits were just henchmen used to scaring common people and traders, but they were in no condition to face someone even minimally trained. Victor managed to push one of them and the other two soon fell dead by the women. Something disturbed him...
  13. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Mynocks!

    Victor walked hurriedly alongside his new friend. Bors spoke a little strangely and Ryder tried to understand, but without much success. Still, he laughed along with Pango, simply because the big guy's laugh was contagious. -Sorry for my sincerity Bors, but I have to say: You are a very strange...
  14. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Razliubiti

    As the two walked away, Victor remained standing in the training room for a few moments. -That was interesting. It seems the rumors were a bit exaggerated. The young woman who had just been training with him approached. -He seems cool... But he's still pretty weird. Victor let out a laugh...
  15. Victor-Ryder

    Open Starlight Mynocks!

    The padawan watched the other get up. A pango, Victor had heard of them, but this was the first one he had seen in person. A truly impressive sight, he thought, the guy was unrealistically large. "I bid thanks for that, my fellow. Here, allow me to do that for you" The creature struggling at...