Recent content by Vixur Kantale

  1. Vixur Kantale

    Sunnova - Expedition Pt.1

    The Jedi smiled briefly in satisfaction as his attacks destroyed two of the attacking droids, destroying the scavengers in their entirety. Sadly, it seemed the little droids worked fast, and already he could feel the ship beginning to list and tumble as the damaged engines struggled to carry the...
  2. Vixur Kantale

    Time To Step Up - The Refuge

    Vixur’s expression went flat as he saw the chewed remains of the innocent villagers, bloody meat lying where individuals once stood. Unforgivable, even for such base humans that seemed to be making up the rebellion, to unleash such animals of war upon mere children. The Clawdite’s hand flicked...
  3. Vixur Kantale

    Sunnova - Expedition Pt.1

    “I am well aware of our situation,” Vixur replied, before the incoming contacts distracted him as well. Through the viewport, he could see the hangar, already occupied by several droids, and all of them opening on the landing shuttle. The quick reactions of the team commander likely saved their...
  4. Vixur Kantale

    Time To Step Up - The Refuge

    Vixur frowned as he heard the reasons behind the rebellion and the news of the rebel’s repeated attacks. The Knight hadn’t seen such viciousness in those, not of the Sith since, well, Nar Shadda. It was disturbing to face their like once again, and especially with so many innocents about. The...
  5. Vixur Kantale

    Sunnova - Expedition Pt.1

    Vixur buckled the last strap of his armor, sliding a power back into his backup blaster a second later. It figured that the first time he had decided to help with one of these mercy runs they had gotten lost, to an unknown world no less. He had heard of Byss of course, everyone had. The mythical...
  6. Vixur Kantale

    Cantonica - Top Guns

    The Clawdite Jedi hauled his body out of the cockpit of the fighter, following his fellow Jedi to the waiting area to the side of the track. Vixur had honestly no idea why he had accompanied Lucian off Tython, probably due to a combination of the chance to test out the starfighter he had...
  7. Vixur Kantale

    Time To Step Up - The Refuge

    Vixur sat quietly in the rocking shuttle, centering himself for the conflict ahead. The Jedi Shadow hadn’t participated in a straight-up brawl like this since the War; he was mostly used to quick, descive duels or eliminations from afar nowadays. But when the Clawdite had heard of Vandor-1’s...
  8. Vixur Kantale

    The People Who Make History

    Vixur hadn’t returned to the Jedi homeworld in months, but even so, he was astounded by the change in the planet. The light side positively permeated every being, plant, and stone, from the tallest temple to the smallest ant. It made him feel light, buoyed, in a way he hadn’t felt in decades...