Recent content by YD313

  1. YD313

    Open Robbery Investigation

    LOCATION: Eiattu 6, Banking Sector SCENE: Investigation of No Account. The description given by his now assigned superior was illogical and something obviously it could not understand or process. But it also determined that its fellow Ranger gained nothing from deception, meaning only that...
  2. YD313

    Open Robbery Investigation

    LOCATION: Eiattu 6, Banking Sector SCENE: Investigation of No Account. Its colleagues explanation of the culprits went over its head, and it was unable to find records of Force Users in its databank. The droid simply stood there, the lens within its ocular sensor adjusting to the sudden...
  3. YD313

    Open Robbery Investigation

    LOCATION: Eiattu 6, Banking Sector SCENE: Investigation of No Account. The Class 4 Security Droid scanned the badge which was presented, confirming that the humanoid before it was indeed a Sector Ranger. Its programming kicked in, YD-313 standing at full attention (or as close as it could...
  4. YD313

    Open Robbery Investigation

    LOCATION: Eiattu 6, Banking Sector SCENE: Investigation of No Account. Status report complete.... Sensors: Photoreceptor functional | Infrared functional | Rangefinder damaged | Audio receptors functional Equipment: Spotlight damaged | Comlink functional | Reader socket damaged | I/O Socket...
  5. YD313

    Open No Account

    LOCATION: Eiattu-6, Banking Sector STATUS: Engaging aggressors Resilience Roll [66] - The droid continued its advance, even as the heavy bin collided into its frame. The impact slowed its approach and it slightly bent its chassis, causing its locomotive functions to temporarily cease. Its...
  6. YD313

    Open No Account

    LOCATION: Eiattu-6, Banking Sector STATUS: Engaging aggressors The droid activated its internal comlink, engaging its authoritative protocols as a Sector Ranger and reaching out to all available authorities within the districts radius. It would no doubt take time for the proper individuals to...
  7. YD313

    Open No Account

    LOCATION: Eiattu-6, Banking Sector STATUS: Responding to distress The threat had been made and YD's advance halted immediately. 313 was capable of detecting the pitch in the surrounding sound waves. It deduced that it was no empty threat and thus certain precautions and protocols had to be...
  8. YD313

    Open No Account

    LOCATION: Eiattu-6, Banking Sector STATUS: Responding to distress YD-313 processed the scene which unfolded before it. One of the culprits managed to elude the stun bolt shot towards him while the other now threatened the security droid with the death of a hostage should is fail to cease its...
  9. YD313

    Open No Account

    LOCATION: Eiattu-6, Banking Sector STATUS: Responding to distress YD-313 completed its mission as it assisted local authorities in processing the criminal it had chased over numerous sectors. As a member of the Sector Rangers the re-purposed security droid possessed the authority to cross...