Star Wars RolePlay

Absolutely!! Why is he getting killed?? :(
Richie B.
Richie B.
He is in a thread where two sith ambushed him and 3 padawans one of the sith is near master level the other is controlled by one of the best Rpers in the site and that person has killed 3 people in one thread before by himself two of those kills were fighting against 3 people at the same damn time, this is the same character he is using
Holy crap!!! Ye..I suppose chances of escaping THAT are quite slim...
Ronat Earthsound
Ronat Earthsound
Where are you (on what planet are you) on this thread? I may help you with the char I'm making.
Richie B.
Richie B.
The thread is an ask only thread you can't join, besides these people are really good and the fighting gets really serious I will send you both the link so you can see how fighting in this site is like
Ronat Earthsound
Ronat Earthsound
ok, please send it! Also, WHY ARE YOU IN 4/5 PLACES AT A TIME!?
Ronat Earthsound
Ronat Earthsound
1. On Tatooine with me 2. In Mal'aas Kitchen 3. On Malastare 4. Training someone on a planet 5. Getting ambushed by Sith
Ronat a lot of the times threads are roleplayed at different times. Like Alisha is in several threads, and even though they went quiet, I am assuming that the thread I just posted in happens after all of the others.
Ronat Earthsound
Ronat Earthsound
oh, ok, but what's gonna happen when you post a thread, saying it's in the future, but then dieing in the prievious post?
Richie B.
Richie B.
Well I'm using the going to die thread as the latest thread an all my other threads are the past, right now there is a chance my character won't die actually let me just give you guys the link to the thread