Star Wars RolePlay

You snatched him up after Khivas had already made off with him over the shoulder lol implying heavily to hold him hostage, i.e capture.
Either way, the way it's been written makes them fighting' werds, boi! Just don't expect much of a fight, more like sly trickery and an upset Kushanari
The thread, a duel where there is no control over your character's destiny in the first place, isn't capture until the end of the thread IFF Ark still has control over him. If you've already made off with the snatching of the body, I can re-write my post to write that Ark sat there and watched him pick it up while standing right next to him, and then write that Ark uses a force attack to pull him back...
If you're going to combat what I wrote, then make the post. I'm not going to back down on this point. But remember that Khivas is one against Ark and Javik still. And he's Heavily drained by the nonstop Force usage in the earlier portion of the duel.
That'd be all of us drained then, and heavy Force usage? Seems par for the course/rather average here lol I'm posting now, and making it make a bit more sense for everything.
As to what I recall, Ark only used a force push after Arkantos was down. And I'd consider that much lighter usage than what Khivas an Javik used, being large Force waves deflecting fireballs, multiple Force leaps, Force Speed, strength augmentation. Let's not forget the physical drain when combatting Javik. And don't think that your Force usage was minimal, because that is a LOT.
From the comics, books, games, and even movies, everything we all did is still by and large average. And talking with you has made me rethink wanting to continue threading with you, so fuck it, thread's over.
This isn't a comic book, movie, or game. This is a RPing website where there are indeed limitations to Force users unless every Forceful turns into a GOD. Acolyte-level Forcefuls are able to use 3 Force abilities before tiring out- I would refer you to at least one thread where rulings by admins prove that. All I'm saying is that you can't perpetually use Force abilities and not expect it to drain you.
Well no shit to the use equaling tired thing. The limits the site imposed I actually did not know about, so ty for that, rules here aren't exactly clear on pvp lol
As for the "this is an RP Site", the only thing I have to say to that is this RP Site based on a pop culture icon needs something to, well, base itself off the pop culture icon lol what can be seen being done should be able to be done by one's self. Also sorry for being short with you.
It is kind of interesting to see how different people's views of the site's limitations are here, and I don't expect everyone to comb through the rules section (which I agree are painfully vague in parts). For my decision to prevent Khivas from saving the other Jedi, I apologize if I made it seem like a personal attack (especially in these messages), but I'm only doing what Ark would do to not let an enemy gain ANY.
If it was my other character, Rook, He would have even gone as far as to ask if Khivas needed help getting him out of there.
Lol it's fine at this point about the thread. My thing about the site is the extreme lack of universal structure here. Ranks don't equate to power or knowledge known, vagueness on what you can or cannot have, all kinds of stuff lol

Place could really do well with some sort of skeleton mechanics to help regulate power.
Well, with the new timeline, Force sensitives will get a second look at them: The cannon Force powers look bare minimum at the moment, and hopefully that will put a damper on the god-mode RPing. And if we're lucky, the Factions will see some reforms where Knowledge/Force Power is more defined for a Forceful. I know that the Sith already have something like that up, but the Jedi don't- makes it weird to switch sides.
My thing was when I wrote up Khivas, I wrote him how a 26yo rogue jack of all trades would be, and was told he was too powerful, yet I saw other brand new characters who were stronger, and writers getting promoted out the get go. Discouraging to say the least
And that's interesting, we do not have something like that, just people reviewing apps to see what may or may not fly
I'm now debating writing a small mechanics mock up for the site to follow XD
It MAY have to do with what Faction they are going for, which attracts the attention of different Admins that review them. After all, the Character could go unnoticed until they apply for a Faction?
But imo, it's better to have your character start off with less, and gain those experiences through RP, since it makes it more fun to RP.
Do it! I could help collect supporting points, if it helps. And just know that most of it will likely be disregarded, but they MAY take some good ideas and put them into work for next timeline