Star Wars RolePlay

Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
Really I think I'm waiting for you.
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Oh wait really?
Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
Yes really
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
I'm more focused on not dying in the hands of the Grand Inquisitor
And I'm crying over being converted into the Sith
Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
@Vosh Deo at less know a healer ;) and for her on speed dial -baby-
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Maya are you trying to hit on Vosh XD
Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
:O *Maybe* I guess I need to be more direct to him ;)
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Vosh is very clueless when it comes to love.
Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
LOL well maybe need to take care of that.
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Maya: Swiggity Swoggdy after that trooper booty
Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
oh yes my sweet dear a post coming up but the question is will Vosh turn her into his uppers after all she still is a jedi "P
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Who knows? He might,
Maya Whitelight
Maya Whitelight
Oh really now :really ponder-
Vosh Deo
Vosh Deo
Mhm, sorry kinda depressed at the moment. Laptop is in repair for a week, stuck on mobile...