Star Wars RolePlay

Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Yay! Is that the correct response? Hopefully?
Professor Crazy
Professor Crazy
Oh I can't wait!
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Me neither!
Richie B.
Richie B.
Working on it right now be ready for some cool as moves
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Awesome. I'm ready!
Professor Crazy
Professor Crazy
I shall try to make a post right after. If I don't, skip me. It's quite late here, but I'll try.
Rae Anne Jarrus
Richie B.
Richie B.
Posted sorry for it taking so long
Professor Crazy
Professor Crazy
I'll give it a read and sign off. Feel free to make a reply, I'll reply to it tomorrow when I get home.
Richie B.
Richie B.
Take your time man
Richie B.
Richie B.
If you see any issues if my post please tell me
Professor Crazy
Professor Crazy
No issues at all! Loved it! This will be a most magnificent duel, with Clow ultimately coming out last, but he is just an Acolyte after all!

I decided to post anyway. Now I must rest. Good night folks!
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Ok good night
Richie B.
Richie B.
Good night just to let you know guys but the Matukai (the faction my guy belongs to) is allies with the Jedi just so everyone knows
Professor Crazy
Professor Crazy
Thanks for the heads-up!
Richie B.
Richie B.
Anyway good luck guys
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Ok thanks!
Richie B.
Richie B.
Your turn to post Isabella
Rae Anne Jarrus
Rae Anne Jarrus
Yep. I'm gonna post in just a sec. ;)
Richie B.
Richie B.
Alright good luck