Star Wars RolePlay

I mean self promotion is a big deal xD it would be crazy not to expect some opposition to your character claiming to be a darth. Usually self proclaimed darths would just be straight up executed for being foolish and weak.
XD I was expectin maybe 1-2 single Sith to challenge it, since he was written to have the power of a Sith Lord... I guess my best hope now is to get the Hell out of Sith space
We don't compare powers with ranks. The power of a Sith Lord therefore means nothing if it isn't backed up in PvP (as we base ranks on PvP). As for getting the hell out of Sith space... not gonna happen. Better try to survive the attacks on Markov Manor.
By try to survive you mean take on 2 Mandalorians, 3-4 of your Inquisiton sith, and a bombing run? We both know you plan to kill him somehow. I plan for him to leave the Sith entirely.
This move was either going to make him stay on the Dark Side, or fall to the Light once he realized the Sith didn't want him or respect him. He will have his scanners pick up ships in hyperspace and flee Mar'Kov Manor in his D44-M gunship.
That's why I used military grade spoofers and spammers in a tiny vessel. You can't proclaim yourself Darth and then avoid all challenges.
I mean were scanners ever mentioned in previous threads involving the manor? To suddenly give the building something in order to gain advantage seems like something done in poor spirits and the fear of character death. If you really want an escape try doing it during the ground assault on the building, probably won't be easy but then Fenris wouldn't randomly have meta knowledge
He is leaving for the Jedi Order. Whether they imprison him or retrain him is up to them, but this will show him that he was a fool to think his good-natured wish to help the Sith has no place there.
The scanners never showed up because it has only been used as a location for a social thread. However with such close proximity to Jedi territory it would make sense for there to be scanners of some kind.
Seriously though. You proclaim yourself Darth and then bail because a tiny ship enters the atmosphere of Mustafar? That's incredibly meta. The Grand Inquisitor did not broadcast his order to the Inquisition in the church, so you can't act based on that either.
I don't suppose a NPC acolyte within the Inquisition would warn him before bing promptly executed? I just don't see why you're so intent on killing Fenris.
Dipping out of the sith the second you get opposition is kind of lame. Fenris leaving from a 2 man squad of mandos wouldn't make any sense, and the sith missions were written to give consequences for your character's actions. With such a small team for the initial fight on the ground dipping out after another single ship drops in on Mustafar then leaves a few seconds later would be extremely meta.
I'll do this: You can have an Inquisition member warn you, for whatever unfathomable IC reason and allow you to have left your palace for whatever reason. But I had been clear to you over PMs that becoming a Darth isn't without risk, you ignored it and now want to take the easy route again.
I'm not trying to be meta. As I already stated, I was not expecting this level of opposition. I know that I cannot survive everything you throw at me, and the nature of this level of opposition would cause Fenris to leave this Sith. It's an IC reaction, which happens to align with my OOC fears.
Tim wouldn't be the only one "so intent on killing Fenris". I wrote the missions on my own accord with his approval. If a sith proclaims himself a sith lord there needs to be consequences just like in any other government where a citizen promotes himself to essentially a mini leader without actually earning the position.
Thank you @Ecclessy. Does it have to be a PC or NPC inquisition member?
NPC only, because he/she will be killed afterwards.
Again, thank you.