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  1. Valerie Tagge

    That's What You Get

    There was a short palpable silence after Eisa had finished, Valerie twiddled her thumbs awkwardly as she tried to pull together some quirky response to lighten the mood. She wasn't much one for comforting but through instinct she reached out her hand and lightly placed it on the Jedi's shoulder...
  2. Valerie Tagge

    That's What You Get

    Sitting off to the side of the main group alone, Valerie was content in just taking in her surroundings. It seemed like few ended up recognising her at all which eased her anxious mind. It was a relief to know that not all from the alliance had fallen and that all hope had not been lost. She bit...
  3. Valerie Tagge

    Looking Back

    The mechanical fingers of Valerie's cybernetic arm tapped lightly on the flight control as her mind pondered a decision that she had yet to make. It had been hours since her arrival and she had yet to disembark. Her thoughts spun in circles of regret, determination and fear for what she had come...
  4. Valerie Tagge

    Last Stand

    Even though the group had been successfully beating back the renegades, it seemed that they were not to go down without a fight. One of the two remaining opponents had managed to get a clear shot on Tyler and he went down quickly. The blaster bolt seemed to hit him directly on the chest and an...
  5. Valerie Tagge

    Seafood and a Show

    Valerie rolled her eyes so far back into her head she swear she could have seen her headache firsthand. She didn't know if she was going to be able to withstand the torture that this Gotal was bound to unleash on her fragile mind. She understood that he was just trying to be nice but there is a...
  6. Valerie Tagge

    We Are Broken

    It had been about a week or so since Valerie had arrived at Star Base. While at first she was impressed with the quick foundation of the Alliance outpost, the novelty of the location had quickly worn off. The icy plains of Hoth were actually quite beautiful to behold... That is if you weren't...
  7. Valerie Tagge

    Part of Your World

    Valerie stared in awe as the balls of water rose from the river's surface. They floated gently in front of Valerie, defying gravity and all she knew to be common sense. Vee reached out with her hand and her finger permeated the surface of one of the balls, the water was chilly and rippled at her...
  8. Valerie Tagge

    Fear Itself

    When Aurora had briefed Valerie on the objective of the mission she could not refrain from laughing hysterically. To her it all sounded so ridiculous. The way in which she had phrased it was all too similar to the horror stories she was told as a child to keep her in line. Now that she was here...
  9. Valerie Tagge

    Seafood and a Show

    Theme A plethora of flashing lights and audible prompts filled Valerie's vision as she worked the controls of her light freighter. The old mynock-series shuttle had seen its fair share of use over its many years even before Valerie had... Acquired it from the Imps. Nevertheless the freighter...
  10. Valerie Tagge

    Last Stand

    It seemed as though the group of rebels were doing well in their efforts against the renegades and already their ranks had begun to thin. From Valerie's vantage point further back behind the pillar she could see the entire battlefield clearly and the locations of her enemies where obvious. One...
  11. Valerie Tagge

    Part of Your World

    Valerie contemplated Aurora's words in silence. They spoke of hard work and overcoming fears. Sounds exhausting, Vee thought to herself. She made it sound as if casting aside one's pain was effortless and trivial yet to her, no matter how hard she tried to escape her past it would always end up...
  12. Valerie Tagge

    Getting Some Ears

    Valerie felt exceedingly embarrassed when she realised that she had misheard Freyja over the voice coms. She could have sworn she heard the word freighter not fighter. She looked out the viewport to see her actual target take off and prepare for a strafing run. It wouldn't take long for the...
  13. Valerie Tagge

    Last Stand

    The group had managed to promptly make its way to the Prime Minister without another confrontation. Luckily it seemed like they had organised a secret evacuation route through the building and that this would allow for them to avoid another blasterfight. Considering Tyler's condition, that...
  14. Valerie Tagge

    Part of Your World

    Untouched... Uncorrupted, so that is truly what the empire is, she thought to herself. She had always wondered at the intangible darkness that hung over all worlds under the control of the Sith. The same darkness that influences acts of hatred and despair within the innocent people of the...
  15. Valerie Tagge

    Last Stand

    A frown spread over Valerie's face as she witnessed Tyler taking a blaster bolt to the shoulder, the wound did not look fatal not serious enough to warrant a prosthetic as hers did yet she could understand the pain he was experiencing. Valerie took a large breath in and spun around the pillar...
  16. Valerie Tagge

    Getting Some Ears

    Valerie was really beginning to freak out at the situation before Devrim came to her rescue and took out the two pirates that had pinned her down. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Yeah I'm fine." She called out in reply to his question. Immediately after which she heard the loud sound of a...
  17. Valerie Tagge

    Ruthariin Militia

    Valerie nodded at Aellyn's remark, I guess it was a bit of a team effort, she thought. "Nevertheless I hope this is a lesson that you are capable of much more than just supply missions." She said nonchalantly. She shot the other woman a wink and waited for their freighter to return. There were...
  18. Valerie Tagge

    Part of Your World

    Theme As the light spacecraft entered the atmosphere of the river moon of Al'doleem, Valerie looked on through the viewport perplexed. She had not known where it was they were headed nor the reasoning as to why. Aurora had simply asked for her trust and that she would know when it was required...
  19. Valerie Tagge

    The Spark is Lit

    Valerie stood atop a large table surrounded by rebel soldiers who were all clutching some kind of alcoholic beverage, they were all intently focused on the black-haired teen as she regaled the events of her mission on Hoth. "You all should have seen it, the beast was taller than a two storey...
  20. Valerie Tagge

    Into The Foliage

    Valerie could only stand and nod as Aurora spoke, she understood that this would all require a long time to fully grasp and perhaps being in the middle of a darkening forest was not the best place to do so. Aurora had also mentioned that there were others within the Alliance that bore the same...