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  1. Cher No Gorgon


    Hissing with excitement Cher came to Kubindi because she was told that the planet is inhabited by insect beings. She had never tried insect mean before. And besides that the Raptor also came because it is her duty. But more so because she was told about the insects. But that is her little...
  2. Cher No Gorgon

    Maybe a Friendly Chat?

    The small town in Ryloth was an outpost type of town that is far away from any major city that the planet hosts. It was so small that there are only a few shops, two or three saloons. The two other buildings being small hotels to house the travelers who had the misfortune of having to stop here...
  3. Cher No Gorgon

    Rear Guard

    This is the first time that Cher has been to Naboo. But she and her comrade are not here to do sight seeing. That will come later once the job is done. Maybe. The reptilian and her comrade are here to make sure no terrorists escape through the back of the base, so the two had to loop around to...
  4. Cher No Gorgon

    Big Price to Pay

    Oba Diah, the homeplanet of the rebellious Pyke race. Cher has once again been called out, this time by Sekt in person to accompany him to this planet to show what happens when one rebels against the Empire. The Tiss has no knowledge on the race besides they help run the Kessel Spice Mines or...
  5. Cher No Gorgon

    [Taris]Down with the Republica!

    [Taris]Down with the Republica! Cher sneaked her way between some trees as she walked away from her ship. Waiting for her two companions to arrive was proving to be a bit frustrating. The Tiss really wants to get on with the hunt. The excitement was making it difficult for the reptilian to keep...