Search results

  1. Harren Skaalvarg

    Slaking One's Thirst

    Datar didn't have to happen for a day or two yet, Harren kept reminding himself as he shut the door on his cheap rented room and triple locked it. Down time was important, it stopped him from becoming just another fanatical cultist like the rest of his order... That and he needed a break from...
  2. Harren Skaalvarg

    Signal Received

    It was a beautiful evening. The tide was almost in and gentle waves lapped at the sandy beach of a small, heavily wooded island. The local star hung low in the sky, just beginning to kiss the horizon and turning the sky a foreboding shade of red. There were no animal cries, no noises of...
  3. Harren Skaalvarg

    No Honoghr Among Noghri

    Intelligence had been busy. At Harren's repeated request, they'd finally relented and supplied him with the name and location of Honoghr’s most useful arms dealer. He wasn't the largest, nor the most feared, but it was a very rare day that he didn't have exactly what the client needed. He...
  4. Harren Skaalvarg

    Fateful Meetings

    Korriban was a horrible place. It wasn’t too cold or too hot, but it was dry. Dusty. The wildlife was dangerous, but easily avoided by only leaving the Temple grounds when ordered and not going for strolls among the ancient Sith tombs. The only reason Harren Skaalvarg was still there at all...