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  1. Ke Eoto

    Ask The Crossing Of Paths

    @Tenagra, Outer Rim, Unknown Planet, Gravel and coarse vegetation cracked under his feet as Ke Eoto made his way over the grim landscape of a barren and ashen world. He was sent to the forgotten planet in the Outer Rim on his first solo assignment, no master or higher ranking Jedi around to...
  2. Ke Eoto

    Ask Ajan Kloss Aggressive Meditation

    @Giran Latt, @Izel Thral, The jungles of Ajan Kloss, It was fairly early morning when the Blood Carver Ke Eoto found his fellow Padawans Giran Latt and Izel Thral with little to do. The broadcasting that put their entire Order into gloom of rumination was still fresh in their memories as...