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  1. Helen Holcomb

    Ask Social Moving Day

    Helen Holcomb grinned in satisfaction as the last of the Holcomb Garages transports, bearing the last of her personnel and remaining equipment, set down in the cavernous main docking bay of Hulk 854, or as it would soon be called, Holcomb 1. Already, some of the staff were celebrating; someone...
  2. Helen Holcomb

    Ask Plundering Picaroons

    BARANCAR, HIGH PARKING ORBIT, SOME DAYS AGO... "Caution, sensor ping 40 degrees right... get a spotlight on it, will you?" Helen watched as a light stabbed out from the rented Mu-class shuttle which carried the other members of the "house hunting" expedition. It played silently over an expense...
  3. Helen Holcomb

    Open By Homeward Stars

    PRAKITH, THE DEEP CORE... Helen Holcomb, ace pilot and Galactic adventurer, drew up the coarse synthweave cloak she wore over her flight suit, vainly trying to keep out the cold wind that whipped down through the mountain passes to blast the crude spaceport in which she found herself. Had she...