Search results

  1. BD 9

    Ask Corellia Is that Legal?

    It did not take very long to make the trip from Geonosis to Corellia. In that time, BD-9 finally got some well needed cleaning. It was no oil bath, but at least the washing cleaned out a lot of gunk and dirt that piled into his joints over the years. He even got a nice rub on the photoreceptor...
  2. BD 9

    Ask Geonosis Not All that Glitters is Gold

    It would be just another day on sandy, rocky Geonosis. Another day where the sun peeked through the hazy clouds, illuminating the great spires of the Geonosian civilization of a past era. Just another day, if it wasn't for the sound of intermittent ion blaster fire. And the soft patting of metal...