Search results

  1. Arah Tizun

    Open Corellia Just Need a Little Spice in Your Life

    (image source) Mood Track: Electric Sky by Miracle of Sound Please note: No PVP and is open. (Need to ease my way back!) Coronet City 08:00 hours Cloudy Skies, comfortable temperature The alarm cracks the silence in the darkened halls of this living space. Clothes...
  2. Arah Tizun

    Open Coruscant It All Begins Here...

    "Somebody stop them! They're getting away!" The words sail over the busy crowds of a Corucant market during the night. The sounds of a ruckus are ignored by the patrons, except for the ones being pushed away while the blue twi'lek in an all-black attire push through them as they attempt to evade...