Search results

  1. Veles

    Ask Coruscant Neon Lights and Dark Delights

    Coruscant Core worlds Club Sacrilege, Level 2435 The sun had just begun to set over Coruscant, sending its rays bouncing off the glistening metal of the skyscrapers stretching into the clouds above. As night quickly approached and lights began to flicker on, it seemed that Level 2435 grew only...
  2. Veles

    Ask Pursuit for Redemption

    Taris system, realspace 17 hours after Ain't No Party Like a Sith Party Golden orbs peered out through the transparisteel window, cigarette in his hands held between two clenched fingers, his hand trembling and his foot tapping on the padded floor frantically. There was a swirling of emotions in...
  3. Veles

    Ask Dathomir Riding the Unrideable

    Dathomir, Southern hemisphere 2 days after Chronicles of Naboo He watched through the window as they hopped out of hyperspace right on schedule and the huge red orb appeared in front of them. Veles felt excitement surge in his chest as his homeworld grew in front of them, the ship approaching...
  4. Veles

    Ask Between a Rock and a River of Lava

    Mustafar, Fortress Vader 2031 local time It was on Mustafar and Dathomir that he felt the strongest, the two worlds complementing the sorcerer's skill set perfectly, the dreadful environment only serving to encourage him. Steeped in the dark side, he strode down the halls of Fortress Vader just...
  5. Veles

    Ask Serenno Those Who've Fallen

    Serenno, Castle Wessex 2134 local time Night had set a while ago over Castle Wessex, casting the forest around in darkness. Veles could not see a thing through the shadows, only the estate standing tall atop its mountain, illuminated both by torches and more modern lighting. Even from the window...
  6. Veles

    Ask Coruscant One Hand Washes the Other

    Coruscant, Huncho's Bar & Brothel A few days after the assassination of Emil Ro Liquids dripped off rafters and ledges and down onto the pavement below, illuminated by hundreds of neon lights placed haphazardly in every possible corner of every building, pole or bridge. Hooded and anonymous...
  7. Veles

    Ask Old Friends into New Allies

    Sluis Van, Sluis Van Shipyards 2 weeks before the Battle of Ithor The shipyard of Sluis Van was one of the most impressive sights Veles had seen in his journeys through the Galaxy. It encompassed the entire planet, bustling with activity at all times, cargo ships coming and going while heavy...
  8. Veles

    Ask Naboo Chronicles of Naboo

    Sith space, realspace //// local time The ship's engine rumbled as they detached from the rest of the standing fleet and headed their own way, the pilot typing in the hyperspace coordinates as Veles looked out the window. This had been an easy and safe place to meet up, and their destination was...
  9. Veles

    Ask History Repeating Itself

    Mustafar, Fortress Vader 2341 local time For many, the unwelcoming environment of Mustafar and the stifling presence of the dark side made the planet a dreadful place to be on, every step laborious and anxiety-inducing. For Veles, it felt like breathing fresh mountain air, the heavy darkness...
  10. Veles

    Ask Sullust Forging Old Enemies into New Subordinates

    Sullust, Pinyumb 1342 local time Sullust was a planet with a rich history and a powerful economy, though one would not be able to tell at first glance. The world, its surface covered in lava wastelands not unlike Mustafar, was populated by the native Sullustans, a resilient species that had...
  11. Veles

    Ask Purging the Undead

    Utapau, Pau City 1825 local time The shuttle rumbled lightly with turbulence as they entered the massive sinkhole that Pau City was built in, the few skyscrapers their capital city had shining in the light of the planet's only sun, which was also named Utapau. Creative people, the Pau'ans. Veles...
  12. Veles

    Ask More To Conquest Than Conquering

    Mustafar, Fortress Vader 2341 local time Lava bubbled and exploded, the endless molten waves crashing against blackened shores. The fires of Mustafar burned endlessly, the wasteland rageful and untamed, seas of orange and black as far as the eye could see. The only building in sight, standing...
  13. Veles

    Ask Tales of Frogs and Shadows

    Dagobah, location unknown 2232 local time A wretched swamp world not too far from the main trade routes but so remote and inhospitable that few had touched down on its surface in its ancient history. A planet discovered and forgotten, scouted and catalogued, only to somehow slip through the...
  14. Veles

    Ask False Idols

    Ord Radama, Kreg Temple 1716 local time "...saddened by the news of Chancellor Emil Ro's assassination. The spokesman of Coruscanti Security Forces extended the department's deep and heartfelt regret at letting such a thing happen, citing a lack of oversight and a low budget but acknowledging...
  15. Veles

    Ask Event Zavus Turnyras: Round 2, Match 6

    . Namadaii Ancient Sith Colisseum 1400 local time The roar of the crowd. The rush of warm air as he stepped out into the colosseum. The deep baritone of the narrator's amplified voice. Cinere's senses took it all in, and it only made the adrenaline course through him even more as he took his...
  16. Veles

    Ask Big Brain Time

    . Di'an, Corporate Sector 0516 local time "BREAKING! SHARES IN MORCORP PLUMMET AFTER ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION!" "...GALAX index. One. Sextillion. Seventy. Four. Galactic. Credits. MORCORP. On--" Though speeders were banned in the upper level of Di'an in the Corporate Sectors, the pedestrians...
  17. Veles

    Interactions with Darth Momin

    . Mustafar 0421 local time TIME did not feel real on Mustafar. Time did not feel real in most worlds where the Dark side coursed freely, where it was most powerful. It was on planets that served as nexuses for the dark side, places of pure, raw emotion that will drag the worst out of you and...
  18. Veles

    Ask Nar Shaddaa Just Two Buff Boys Loitering

    . Nar Shaddaa 0516 local time Sweat still dripped off his body and onto the padded durasteel floor below. Cin didn't care, instead focusing on the cigarette he was smoking, taking hungry puffs after good hours without that lovely chemical. As the bitterness coursed down his throat and he felt...
  19. Veles

    Ask Dathomir How've You Been?

    . Dathomir 2034 local time Black wax dripped onto the ebony wooden floor with a weak slap. There was silence in the shack, save for the occasional beating of wind outside. The only source of lighting--the candle, held in Cinere's hands at chest-level--was struggling to illuminate the room, but...
  20. Veles

    Ask Dromund Kaas Beneath Steel Poles and Imperial Banners

    . Dromund Kaas 1834 local time He walked through the light rain, his hood up. This place reminded him of the lower levels of Coruscant, where he'd lived. Nowadays, he didn't really spend his time around slums, and he generally tries to avoid them. Today was an exception. Cinere was a discrete...