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  1. Manuk Gagak

    Ask On Our Own Door Step

    "So how do we play this? Like we did on Bakura? Or like that time on Lehon?" ― Venisa Doza, to Torch Bakura was a beautiful blue-green world known for its agricultural and repulsorlift exports. Its two moons had been heavily mined for materials used in the manufacture of the second Death Star...
  2. Manuk Gagak

    Ask Coruscant The underworld

    “…the underworld is never travelled alone.” ― Pollux Hax Manuk strode the autowalk, the fact her heavy boots made no sound on the pavement was not testimony to her link to the Force but instead – of all things – her ballet training as a youth. Speeders, swoops, and aircars roared above her in...
  3. Manuk Gagak

    Ask Ryloth It’s breezy out there

    “Tell your security teams to kill every Ryloth repair team on board.” “Lord Vader, there are almost a hundred teams aboard! My Emperor?” “One hundred teams seems a manageable number,” the Emperor said. – Darth Vader and Darth Sidious ordering a large scale execution of Free Ryloth activists Her...
  4. Manuk Gagak

    Solo missions

    “Let me tell you about the dark side. Typical Jedi propaganda to name it so. Let me give it another name. Let’s call it the truth.” ― Asajj Ventress Long before she was a Sith and even before she learned to truly use the Force, Manuk learned the ways of combat. In combination, though, her...
  5. Manuk Gagak

    The path of darkness, the path of power

    “You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient.” ―Darth Maul It was a very small small room. The window was polarised to block out light, but it could just have easily been a two-way mirror, although Manuk never sensed anyone on the other side. The planet’s name was unknown to Manuk, and it...
  6. Manuk Gagak

    Seeking Sith knowledge - Manuk Gagak

    BOGANO “This is Bogano. A Jedi I knew discovered it before the Purge. You won’t find it on any maps.” ― Cere Junda Bogano was a grassy planet which was largely unexplored and couldn’t be found on any conventional maps. Its surface was covered in mesas and wetlands and was (if you knew where...
  7. Manuk Gagak

    Life on Coruscant – Manuk’s formative years

    “Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. The entire planet is one big city.” ― Ric Olié Located in the Coruscant subsector of the Corusca sector within the Core Worlds region, Coruscant was a planet covered in a dense ecumenopolis.It orbited relatively far from its small sun and thus did not...
  8. Manuk Gagak

    Ask Coruscant Zero Zero Zero

    “Sometimes I think this planet is nothing but a hellhole.” ― Natasi Daala, to an unconscious Nek Bwua’tu In the lowest levels, in the abyssal urban depths, of the ecumenopolis that was Coruscant, it was a rare thing indeed to see sunlight. For the inhabitants of the baroque and gleaming...