Search results

  1. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Degausser

    vibe Aadya's ship dropped out of hyperspace and was met only with the inky blackness of space. Impossibly far away stars twinkled their little lights across the backdrop, mirroring how Aadya felt in this moment as she stared out of the viewport. People often forgot that looking at the tiny dots...
  2. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Taris Chainsword Massacre

    Most Tarisians couldn't give a fuck less about things that happened to the poors out in the wastelands. Forever content to peer down at them from their looming skyscrapers in the upper cities, it was rare that the problems of the less fortunate even made windfall to anyone beyond their own small...
  3. Aadya Rasheer

    Open Social Sweater Weather

    Of all the unassuming, backwater hilljack nowhere agriworlds in all of the galaxy, Kinyen might have been the most notable. Of course, that wasn't exactly the loftiest height to live up to, but still. Kinyen was known - at least in the agriworld parts of the galaxy - for their massive Harvest...
  4. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Awkward Conversations

    Aadya had stared at her phone for a long time, the blinking cursor of text waiting to be written seeming to almost mock her. It was a rare instance that she would have no idea what to say, let alone how to even start a message. She was normally so sure of herself, so headstrong. But this.. this...
  5. Aadya Rasheer

    Open Ossus Invasion Hammer the Nails

    Aadya hadn't spoken to Altair since they had parted ways several weeks ago. Not for lack of wanting to, mind, just.. well, just for many reasons she tried not to dwell on. She was confident that he would reach out when he was ready to face what was hidden to him but plain to see to her. Until...
  6. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Recon, Haha JK Unless?

    The worst part about reading is that eventually, no matter what you do, the book is going to end. And as unfortunate as that fact was, it was precisely the situation Aadya now found herself in. With an annoyed sigh, she stuffed her datapad back into her pocket and looked out at the same thing...
  7. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Just Don't Ditch Me At The Coffee Shop This Time

    Aadya had arrived on Zeltros a few hours before she was supposed to, taking the free time to wander around a bit and think before she was supposed to meet Jaikus. She had never been to Zeltros before and figured it would be a good idea to at least attempt to get somewhat acclimated to their...
  8. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Camisado

    Since taking command over her own Nesuto class carrier - the Aadya hadn't really spent much time on it or getting to know its crew and had spent the past several days rectifying that. Her promotion to champion had afforded Aadya numerous benefits and she intended to make full use of what the...
  9. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Yavin IV Seventy Times Seven

    The skies above Yavin had darkened with the ominous silhouettes of Sith warships. Aadya's shuttle had departed one of Nesuto-Class carriers just a few moments ago, staying in formation with the others as they began their descent. Eventually, the shuttle that housed Aadya and a dozen or so...
  10. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Separate Wounds

    Immediately following the battle of Dantooine The adrenaline of battle had all but completely faded from Aadya. It left her exhausted and only now did she realize the true levels of pain that were radiating throughout her body. Every step she took to match Raze's stride felt like she was...
  11. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Not Every Laundered Dollar Is Wet

    The city of Worlport was actually fairly decent as far as random places Darth Stolas asked Aadya to go. Leaning against the outside of the coffee house she'd just exited, the young acolyte looked out across the throngs of people milling around Morro Spaceport. Most of them were tourists, looking...
  12. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Event Zavus Turnyras: Round 2, Match 3

    . Namadaii Ancient Sith Colosseum 1200 local time The air inside of the coliseum was unbelievably hot and despite the unrelenting sun and sand beneath their feet, still thick and humid. It was heavy with the sweat and spittle coming from the throngs of ravenous fans that had flooded inside...
  13. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Minor Acts of Cannibalism

    The cockpit of the ship was mostly quiet, the sound of music playing softly through the speakers the only thing Aadya could hear besides the thrumming of the hyperdrive. The young acolyte stared blankly out into the streaking lights that screeched across the viewport, her mind somehow both...
  14. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask A Forgotten Relic

    The cockpit of the ship was quiet, the long streaking lines of hyperspace the only thing filling the void. The destination was a planet in the Outer Rim known as Zoph, a relatively unimportant world that once played host to the CIS back during the Clone Wars. The only thing that Aadya knew about...
  15. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Syzygy

    Aadya sat in the cockpit of the ship she'd commandeered, the lazy haze of hyperspeed the only thing visible from the viewport. The ship itself was nothing special, just a Pathfinder scout ship, one she'd "borrowed" from another Order member with the promise not to blow it up and otherwise bring...
  16. Aadya Rasheer

    Ask Steal Their Colors

    If there was one thing that Aadya had a mastery over that many of her Sith compatriots seemed to lack, it was the ability to utilize the holonet for more than just streaming terrible music or looking at weird alien nudes. Having been tasked along with several others to steal ships bearing clear...