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  1. Kamelle Skyler

    This World

    ‘If you’re hearing this message, the signal has gotten through. The Hutt treasure vault I am stuck in is about to be bombarded from orbit by the Hutts - there isn’t much time but what is held here can topple their grip on the Galactic underworld! Finance a war a dozen times over! Please, help me...
  2. Kamelle Skyler

    This World

    There was a time when Kamelle Skyler could gaze upon the sky and see herself, not below or beyond it, but upon it. It was strange, especially so to word it aloud to someone else, but she felt almost like an egg. She felt one with the sky, a part of it, spread in and around it, stretched across...
  3. Kamelle Skyler

    This World

    There was something out there. Kamelle couldn’t quite pinpoint what. From the cockpit of the Silence, she felt it; like a whisper against the skin, silent, save for the breath that could make no noise except that which skin could hear. Am I dead? She blinked before the stars, those stars that...
  4. Kamelle Skyler

    This World

    The Wailing. A ship of regret and sleep. In that freighter, Kamelle slept, bereft of regret, or so she told herself. She never cried herself to sleep, never had the glands for tears, but she had seen and heard others do so. Pitby. That was his name. He was a boy of twelve, a Zeltron boy, and...
  5. Kamelle Skyler

    This World

    EDIT: The following takes place before Kamelle was electrocuted to death. Naboo. Hills, plains, swamps, mountains. If nature was a jewel then here it was, far more glorious than any Hutt could ever hope to conjure. In this world, Kamelle Skyler stood on the balcony atop a skyscraper...
  6. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    Kriff… Kamelle thought as she opened her eyes. Her body burned but her hand was on fire. The Force had not saved her but it would help preserve her dignity as she waited for her inevitable fate as footsteps faded away. So...Screamer screamed himself away… He had left his fellow treasure hunter...
  7. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    The Sith and the mule had been getting into position, wasting no time since there was no time to waste. Beskar door in the vault door? That’s a footstool (more durable than a mule to boot). Shield that did not block said beskar? That’s an energy shield. The vault door took care of blocking the...
  8. Kamelle Skyler

    HoloNet News Breaking News: Sith Lose Sullust!!!

    “Hey, good work on the turkey, friendo,” Kamelle congratulated the cook. Unfortunately the cook was missing his head. Well, not quite. The Sith kept it in her grip as she dangled the cook’s head above her own like a puppet. “Grrr, not so savory now, are we, Doug!?” She put on her best acting...
  9. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    Beskar. Boy did many a Mandalorian know of its power. Others too, like failing empires and the remnants thereof, all the way to a Sith and a mule. Kamelle had come into this universe a screaming whelp, much like Screamer, but had quickly learned that existence was what you made it. So finite a...
  10. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    Well, they weren’t dead. Yet. That counted for something, surely. The reward for Kamelle’s correct answer was a fat Hutt as fat as any other Hutt and not just in flab but also in flagrant arrogance. He mumbo-jumbo’d about “Woy ubba blah blah” this and “Hari-kari doth thou” that but eh whatever...
  11. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    Kamelle had been tempted to take the beskar and call it quits. Maybe she had enough time to escape? She could make her mule carry the doorframe; he had proven useful enough with taking out a droideka so surely he could manage that much. Then again, who knew how far to the hangar or if the others...
  12. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    Bolts flashed like lightning. Kamelle swept her saber across the barrage to deflect and dodge. Discovering that she was being shot at, she abandoned any feigned retreat and advanced forward in a flash of her own. Meanwhile, the door came down to strike the droid opposite Screamer, and once that...
  13. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    The system had warned the intruders to turn around and go away. Why had they not just blasted them outright? Why delay? Was it because the Sith might destroy those droids if they attacked her, get inside the vault and take what one Hutt did not want to be taken? Kamelle did not waste time...
  14. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    Wait… Kamelle looked around the corridor. This is not the hangar... That’s what she gets for following the mule. Kamelle had the excuse of bolting toward the closest door and person who could read the sign above it. Meanwhile, everyone else was probably in ships by now, leaving Kamelle to die in...
  15. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    There was a reason that Kamelle had elected to tear through those pincers with one owned and one borrowed lightsaber without following up with a descending delivery of said sabers through Ole’s head or back. Apart from witnessing the Echani’s own efforts, the Sith had earlier experienced a...
  16. Kamelle Skyler

    Open Not Your Normal Shopping List

    Nightsister… Andruil’s revelation was just as much who she was as it was what she was and, after all, that’s exactly what Kamelle had been looking for. A name was a name but it was the person that mattered. A Nightsister, well, that was quite a person. More so given that Kamelle detected the...
  17. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    All at once the Great Hall erupted in a cacophony of blazing fire and cracking ice, shouts and screams, blaster bolts and lightsaber hums and all manner of madness. It was...thrilling. Exciting. Electrifying. It wasn’t every day that Kamelle had an opportunity to square up against one rancor and...
  18. Kamelle Skyler

    HoloNet News Breaking News: Sith Invasion Repelled!

    “Wh-Where am I..?” The man called from his little corner of the room. “You’re in a shadow.” A woman’s voice came back. It wasn’t incorrect. The man was stuck in a shadow where the light did not touch, stranded in a deep, dark room where no one else could hear him but the woman standing before...
  19. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    “I possess a negative emotion regarding this.” Kamelle conveyed after discovering the scratch marks on the wall that just slid up in front of her face. She stepped forward while regrouping with what was now a bigger group. The survivor's voice reunited with everyone though his words were not...
  20. Kamelle Skyler

    Event Escape From Mataou - Dead Money

    With the sound of blasterfire and the whooshing all around her it was a shame that Kamelle could not hear the snapping and cracking of all the bones and bodies breaking against one another and against the walls. She might have been one to shed the cliché of cackling while painting her face red...