Search results

  1. Gringhost

    Saenchai Saphante

    Smoke slowly rises from beneath the brim of his hat. "Saenchai Saphante." He takes another drag of his deathstick. "Not a name I've heard in awhile. Certainly not one I want to cross again." Light filters in through the dirty window from a passing speeder, illuminating the table that the Twi'lek...
  2. Gringhost

    Wacky Q & A

    So I’m looking at Studying Abroad during my college years, and I kind of want to visit places that users here may have some experience. But beyond that, I want to go somewhere I can practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or MMA, or catch wrestling if I could find it. So here are the countries I’m looking...
  3. Gringhost


    So with school starting up next week for me, and personal issues popping up left and right, I’ma gonna take a break. I’ll probably be gone for about a week or two, or until I get acclimatized. to everything. Cheers. Don’t ruin the galaxy without me.
  4. Gringhost

    Favorite Football (Soccer) Club?

    Pretty simple question. Mine is West Ham United.
  5. Gringhost

    Riot in the UK

    So I just finished watching the Michael Caine film Harry Brown and as soon as I got online and checked the news, I read about this: Riot Hits North London I kinda went WTF mate?!
  6. Gringhost

    What’s the first professional sporting event you went to?

    Mine is happening in two hours. MMA! :3
  7. Gringhost

    Eso’s Escape

    Alrighty fellas. For your knowledge, the Lord of the Core, Esomos Resurgam has been captured by Galactic Alliance forces! D: As Merkatua leader I see fit to break him out. What I am looking for is twofold: First, I need a unbiased RPer to RP as the NPC guards for the space station/moon...
  8. Gringhost

    Solomon Comnenus

    - Solomon Comnenus in his armor Pre-Sith takeover The Solemn Knight A background of Solomon Comnenus Of the various Imperial Knights during the Galactic War between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire led by the Sith, one character remained in the background. Solomon Comnenus. He...
  9. Gringhost


    Is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten. And why? Should I have posted this in the game section?
  10. Gringhost

    Random and wacky

    What do British people eat when they drink coffee? Because I am drinking some coffee and what want to be able to say, "I'm drinking good ol' Columbian while eating -----" Help?
  11. Gringhost


    I think this is like the first RP timeline to have both main factions (Empire and GA) using a criminal database. Wow. As one of the several law-breakers, I would like love to be the first to say :bitchez WHO'S WITH ME? :CScool
  12. Gringhost

    Merkatua Mission List

    This is the list of missions that Iban Salid or a 'Lord of' has signed off as needed to be completed. Use the Salt! Use the Salt! Mission Description: A major Hutt clan is organizing a blood game for the pleasure of Nal Hutta's Clans. Merkatua wants a member or two to either join the blood...
  13. Gringhost

    Corban Marr

    "In the darkness of space, no one can hear you scream." Corban Marr. A typical name on a typical world, in a typical family. But as a child, Corban excelled at everything. He would best kids who stood a head taller than him in wrestling, running, sports from other civilizations, and then to...
  14. Gringhost

    Establishing Contact

    Iban Salid was a busy man. All the more busy because of expansion into new markets. But even a organization such as his needed some support. That is what drove Iban into discussions with...a certain society. They had technology Merkatua could use, and in case pesky law tried to come into the...
  15. Gringhost

    Okay, it's taking off

    Merkatua. Basically a Spice/Smuggling Cartel that doesn't like the law or any Hutts. So if you have a assassin or bounty hunter and prefer not to be a full member, contact me and we can sign you up as an associate. If you are interested in having a character become a Enforcer (Undercover...
  16. Gringhost

    Making Some Deals (Merkatua/UI; Ask Otherwise)

    Iban Salid disliked rain. But he had to deal with the environment so he could complete a very, very important task today. Most recently a competitor had sent him greetings of a sort. In the message was a great many things, most of the information provided in the communique was aimed at a...
  17. Gringhost


    Merkatua We like business here. That's what influenced me to name my organization "The Market" in my native tongue. I will be brutally honest, I deal in Spice. I don't care if it destroyed your family, or if I had your hands cut off, or even if you decide to stop taking it, I will make...
  18. Gringhost

    Merkatua Roster/Sign-Up

    ROSTER: The Spice Lord Iban Salid Head Enforcer - Lead Designer Aiden Kantos Co-Vices Luciano Romano - The Lords Lord of the Core Esomos Resurgam Lord of the Mid - Lord of the Outer - All Other Ranks Underboss (1 Per Lord) - - - Enforcers Traask Nadill Namir Korrero Associates CL1-n7...
  19. Gringhost

    Iban Salid

    (Iban Salid, the Spice Lord) "Hello, my name is Iban Salid. Depending on who you ask to describe me I could be fair, just, or I could be a murderer, cruel, and a drug dealer. I myself deny all these claims. I am merely a man, one who has more than others. That fact alone pushes people to...
  20. Gringhost

    I wonder

    How many people would be willing to be involved in a criminal faction ran by this man: (Man on left is Lakoom Nehari, Spice Lord) It would be mainly a operation making money off of Spice. It would dislike slavery (and its many different colors), promote smuggling, and work in between the...