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  1. Tevan Dolm

    Open Let The Wild Folk Dance!

    Corvus Tevan placed his history book of Corvus on too the table and closed it. He didn't feel like reading at the moment and stared out towards the space port. He felt like taking a stroll through the city and to gander at everything Calodon had to offer. Walking through the streets felt a bit...
  2. Tevan Dolm

    Open Tatooine Big Guns and Dead Bodies

    Mos Eisley, Tatooine. The sun had already risen by the time Tevan woke up. He had no real idea what time it was, luckily for him there was a clock situated on the wall across from his bed in the hotel room. 10am. Tevan sighs as he rolls out of bed and cleans himself up in the bathroom. He...
  3. Tevan Dolm

    Ask T is for Tatooine

    Mos Eisley, Tatooine. Hopping back onto his land speeder, Tevan heads towards the small hovel of houses & various buildings in the distance that represent Mos Eisley. On his arrival he returns the land speeder he rented and pays for it to be refueled. After that he makes his way towards the...