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    The Next Generation

    Joni Valdora could not help but pace the room awaiting his newly acquired padawans. Acquired, because he requested them. He already had one, he had no idea why the Force guided him to take two more, but the Force is incomprehensible at times. And it is always best to rely on its judgment...
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    In the begining...

    "You do realize that this is all your fault." Kasis stated without so much as pausing for his brother to answer. "If you hadn't tripped up on our last back flip, we would have landed easily, but no, you had to had to be in front. You had to snatch the glory." The two were being carried back...
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    The Hungo Brothers

    Name: Kasis Hungo-Kataro-Micho Faction: Jedi Rank: Jedi Hopefuls Species: Xexto Age: 54 Gender: Male/Male Height: 1.4 meters/1.4 meters Weight: 160 pounds combined Eyes: purle-blue/neon green Hair: n/a Skin: white tinted grey Credits: 1000 credits Distinguishing Marks: um....stuck together...
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    Relient K

    Okay, Love 'em? Hate 'em? Don't really care? Let it all out. I just got their new album, "Five Score and Seven Years Ago". Its SOOOOO good!!! If you can, borrow it from someone and listen to all of it. Some of the songs they previewed were misleading, especially that weird one about...
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    Mastering the Flame

    The stars seemed so clear. So brilliant. So indestructable. No evil could touch them. They were forever a source of light and hope. To the Jedi at least. Jedi Knight Joni Valdora stood at a large, circular window in his gracious living quarters. He had been cut off from the rest of the...
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    More Than A Rebellion

    The consistancy of the universe was once again changing. Old, severed bonds once again found themselves wrought together. Destruction was being offered new outlets to unleash its terrible furry. The temorary peace that the galaxy found under the Sith's domination vanished faster than smoke...
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    Big Storm Rising (Family Mission)

    The blackness of space off set the mood of the TFS (The Famly's Service) Freedom. Jubliant, excited, exuberant all described the air very well. Everyone still stayed at their posts and the ship still flew smoothly to its next rendez-vous coordiantes, but the near party environment and the...
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    Hawk Nelson

    Just got the new Hawk Nelson album, "Smile, its the end of the world." Been listening to it all week long. I was wondering though, what do you all think of the band?
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    The Smuggeler's Run (Aaron)

    The brightly lit room displaced the grim air of the room. The smuggelers were mostly all here, and they were growing restless. They obviously wanted to find out what this was all about...then get out of there ASAP. It was unnerving to be inside The Family's headquarters, especially when The...
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    That which we fear.

    The Family. Once an infintesimaly insignificant speck in the Galaxy's politics not even worth its own name for all the internal conflict it experienced. Now it was a powerful military state, a chillingly efficent, well lubricated machine which had infultrated nearly every level of society, and...
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    Joni Valdora

    ((OOC: Sorry it took so long to get his profile completed. I think that I've included everything.)) Name: Joni Valdora Species: Coruscanii Human Age: 25 Height: 6’ 0” Weight: 180-190 lbs Occupation: Jedi Knight Loyalty: The Jedi Order Skills: Mechanics, Starship repair, speeder...
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    A Strange Recurrence

    "That is three so far this week, Commander! Coupled with last week's failures, that makes over a dozen armed robberies. Why are you unable to complete your duties successfully? No I don't want to hear it! Get out of my office. OUT!!!!!" The young Security Commander nearly lept out of his...
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    Ok, who hasn't dreamed of making their own species starting from the gene pool?...............ok, maybe not everyone, but this game is perfect for those who think along those lines. Spore Intro There is the video link. I encourage you to also watch the movies on the right scroll bar. Tell me...
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    Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

    The pirates who don't do anything rock!!! All that lying around they do...pure genius!
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    Need Republic

    Ya ya, I know. No star wars related material in here, but I need somone to play the Republic for the Revolt on Coruscant. A fairly large movement is trying to overthrow the government and we need somone to control the NPC Republic. The revolt will lose in the end, and badly, but it is no fun...
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    Throw up your RAWKIST!!!

    OK, who has even heard of the Canadian band Thousand Foot Krutch? Personally, I am a fanatic.
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    Are you Straight?

    Yes, amazing isn't it. We all could not believe that it was true. Her name is Bethany and because of her, we now know this amazing truth. PM him with your congrats and your unconstrctive critisism. Lets hear it for Jesse...I mean Dakar! Hip-hip, horray! Hip-hip, horray! Hip-hip, Horray...
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    Murder in the Dark

    Marc walked steadily into the room where Eran Tallon and a man he knew only as "Wolf" were waiting for him. "Brothers, it is good to see you." They exchanged the usual greeting, a light kicss on both cheeks and an embrace. Afterward, they all sat down, a lightly achoholic beverage in each's...
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    The Family Awakens

    Marc Shadel stared out the wide, transparasteel window for a long time. It showed him what his life work was all about. Below the meeting room were the people he had been fighting for. Has been fighting for. Will always fight for. This great project was not only his life. All of those...
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    Not just a Shadow (Sith and Jedi)

    Panting down the alleys of the largely populated world, Joni clutched his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. Breath came at its never increasing pace, his heart thundered him his ears, threatening to pop them. Another left, and a right, and a left. He put on another burst of speed. Have to...