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  1. Horst Souther

    Open Out of the frying pan...

    "Very well. Captain Graves, you may make the arrest - but be reminded, you are in ISC Space, and will be executing this arrest on behalf of the ISC." Souther replied curtly. Keeping his ship's weapons live, Souther would wait for the man to be taken into custody, whereupon he would instruct the...
  2. Horst Souther

    Open Out of the frying pan...

    "Captain Southern, you're not going to believe this" "You're right. I'm not. Close channel." Souther shut the channel off, and signalled to his gunner. "Disable the engines." His command was followed and the Frigates gunnery crew executed a standard ship disabling procedure. A brilliant flash...
  3. Horst Souther

    Open Out of the frying pan...

    "Fire." Horst issues the command, his harsh tone cutting across the bridge, as a gunnery officer complied, a brilliant beam of shot careening mere yards from the bow of the freighter, by way of a warning shot. "Cleared just shy of the bow Captain." Horst remained impassive in his expression...
  4. Horst Souther

    Open Out of the frying pan...

    Southers face was impassive, as he saw the frieghter was now stable, Souther could commence his own work. "Power up the forward turbo lasers, and get me a lock on that vessel." the Captain instructed, opening a communications link with the stranded craft. Standing, he looked directly forward as...
  5. Horst Souther

    Open Out of the frying pan...

    "Exiting hyperspace." "Very good Ensign. Bring up shields." Captain Souther issued his commands, as the ISC Carrick dropped out of hyperspace at the location of the distress signal. As the glare of the jump faded, Souther spoke again "Comms, what ships are in the area?" "We have an...
  6. Horst Souther

    HoloNet News An Olive Branch

    A high-pitched whistle announced the arrival of Captain Horst Souther to the command deck of the CSS Carrick, in the traditional way. Souther strode across the short distance between the blast door and his captain's chair, saluting the crew and issuing an order to stand at ease before he sat...