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  1. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    There wasn't any time for thinking, Hailee was right - they had to act immediately or the hostages would die. At first Caelian tried to use the force to halt the cable from descending, thinking that it would buy them some time. To his disbelief, no matter how hard he strained, it didn't stop...
  2. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    The rigors of combat brought an intensity like no other, one wrong step or swing in a poor direction could leave one quickly out of the fight, or life. Just as quickly as the killik had fought back against Hailee, it found itself unable to reach her throat as intended. Worse, it found itself...
  3. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    The killik was a fearsome warrior and with their mental connections with each other, they would fight with the appearance of the force. That was of course relying on them having a partner or more to connect with, but alone the warrior would have to rely strictly on their own martial prowess...
  4. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    Caelian's attention was returned to the guards as Hailee made short work of the overseers while they were distracted. The Echani moved swiftly across the span between them, carefully deflecting blaster bolts away as they attempted to blast him. A cloud of fear enveloped them as their difficulty...
  5. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    Caelian went to work against the three guards, quickly banking left to avoid a blaster bolt and deflecting another back to its sender hitting him squarely in the stomach, dropping him. Now with just two to deal with it was a much easier prospect, although he knew he couldn't just ignore them...
  6. Caelian

    Ask Tatooine Twin's

    The titanic struggle lasted some time as both champions exerted themselves against the depths below. In all their time together, he'd never seen anything like this nor its effects on each of them and how much of a fight it seemed to be. They had come all this way, to the other side of the galaxy...
  7. Caelian

    Ask Tatooine Twin's

    Once Caelian pulled himself up off the floor, he too noticed an uncomfortable cramp in his leg, as he stood and tried to shake it off. Time had passed quite quickly it seemed and that in itself was jarring but he took Wodan's cue and followed along. "I will be fine, let us proceed." A small...
  8. Caelian

    Ask So Be It

    It was true that Caelian had taken the worst beating out of the two, the loss of his arm did not make up for the bloody laceration on her left shoulder, nor the force lightning that struck true through her abdomen before she could gather her defense. Despite her mental attack weighing heavily...
  9. Caelian

    Ask Tatooine Twin's

    It had been an uncomfortable ride through memory land for Caelian, but he persevered for his friend regardless. What would a little discomfort look like compared to the victorious smile of a hero retrieving artifacts, as he imagined Wodan would certainly be able to do? The sudden flash of...
  10. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    Caelian nodded as Hailee spoke, he'd dealt with joined before and it had been something of a spooky experience. They had their work cut out for them as it would be impossible to know who else might show up in the fight that would surely break out. "Let's move then," he said somewhat confidently...
  11. Caelian

    Ask So Be It

    Their combat had been lightning quick and fluid, each responding to the movements of the other like they were engaged in a deadly dance. To any Echani, it was simply beautiful but this dance was life or death for both opponents. If he slipped up, Caelian would find himself limbless and lifeless...
  12. Caelian

    Ask Tatooine Twin's

    Caelian's focus remained unbroken even as Wodan began his ritual. Darkside energies flowed through his limbs and into the crystal before them. The sensation of power, unbridled power coursing through his veins was a prize in itself. The mystical chanting filled the air as the wind picked up...
  13. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    After he had made it across the bridge he wasn't too concerned with her ability to do so unless she had hidden a neutron star in her back pocket, she'd be fine. Moving deeper into the cavern they came across a storage room of sorts with a path that appeared to lead back to the main area again...
  14. Caelian

    Ask So Be It

    There had been many false lessons that his former master had bestowed upon the Echani over the years. Many thoughts, processes, and feelings that didn't seem to quite align with the way of the Sith, he discovered the hard way. Each new lesson he took in his stride, awash in pain, blood, and...
  15. Caelian

    Ask Tatooine Twin's

    Caelian smiled at his comment about the shuttle, few would find the trip bearable let alone for fun he thought. The moment passed and the seriousness of their mission returned, the pair looked around the room briefly in agreement that it all looked a bit old and dusty. Moving over and across...
  16. Caelian

    Ask So Be It

    Caelian's full attention was quickly brought to bear as Tiamat spoke suddenly and with full force behind her words. Doing as she commanded, the Echani dropped down to kneel before her and he slightly dipped his head while still looking up toward her. It didn't escape his attention that she was...
  17. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    Caelian attempted to subdue a laugh at her comment about their luck. So far the mission had been something of a disaster but he was nothing if not persistent. Whatever delays or setbacks they would encounter didn't matter as at the end of the day the mission would still be completed. "The...
  18. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    The plan was as simple as it was straightforward forward and Hailee pulled it off brilliantly. Summon the guards, distract 'em and then slip their weapons away to take control of the situation. Caelian continued to play the part of an unconscious smuck while she made the guard work at gunpoint...
  19. Caelian

    Ask Tatooine Twin's

    The night passed quickly, the cool air blowing gently bringing with it a light layer of sand. It was a wonder anything survived out in the desert for long without being entirely buried under piles of it. He could see why many called the dunes another version of the sea, as the level of sand...
  20. Caelian

    Ask Help I've Falleen And I Can't Get Up

    Caelian was quickly relieved when she reported that her binds were loose enough to slip, quick as a flash she then managed to undo the remaining rope around her feet and free herself. It was impossible to know what the guards had planned for them, but so far it seemed that they had been left...