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  1. Xyla Teresi

    Ask [Trenwyth] Like Fine Wine

    "I'll send you home with a couple of bottles then," the ambassador declared with a happy clasping of her hands. She loved sending guests back with Trenwythian wines. Xyla nodded as Celeste spoke. Rattatak, as she'd heard, was undergoing operations to finance and build a fleet that their...
  2. Xyla Teresi

    Ask Event A Joining of Minds

    Xyla and Thea, hearing @Altair Din's announcement, made their way toward the Imperial shuttle as Xyla's bad shoulder would prevent her from climbing on the rope. The ambassador of Trenwyth had no war or quarrel with the Sith, so the only regret she had was leaving her own ship behind. way...
  3. Xyla Teresi

    Ask [Trenwyth] Like Fine Wine

    Xyla did her best not to be offended that Celeste had declined her offering of wine. After all, drinking on an upset stomach was far from ideal. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment at not being able to share her planet's finest wines, but she decided not to entertain it. "Of...
  4. Xyla Teresi

    Ask Event A Joining of Minds

    Just before Xyla reached the group of ISC soldiers and senators they were running for (@Livi Cross @Galek Ordalos @Lon Tendree @Ryssa Kalayli), the wall behind her and her bodyguard exploded into deadly flying chunks of masonry. The distance they'd unknowingly made between themselves and the...
  5. Xyla Teresi

    Ask Event A Joining of Minds

    There was an abundance of pure chaos going on. She'd called out for everyone to get moving, but instead, there were guns being fired wildly into the crowd, senators tumbling downstairs, and others doing fuck all. On the bright side, it seemed that the building had some new, unexpected visitors...
  6. Xyla Teresi

    Ask [Trenwyth] Like Fine Wine

    For the first time in over a century, Trenwyth had an ambassador. And now, for the first time in even longer, foreign diplomats had been invited to the mountainous planet by said political figure. Celeste Stythani and Victoria Winterblaze, to be specific about it. Both had been present at the...
  7. Xyla Teresi

    Ask Event A Joining of Minds

    Thea was pulling Xyla along after the massive Wookie and the bundle of senators clinging to his back - literally and figuratively. She was the princesses' protector and guide; without her, Xyla would've frozen in place and likely had that awful concoction forced down her throat so that she might...
  8. Xyla Teresi

    Ask Event A Joining of Minds

    The conversation began and ended before anything fruitful could come of it. They weren't summoned here to come to an agreement; they were to be forced into one. Xyla was holding the offered drink when the chaos began, squinting suspiciously at the bubbling, alien liquid with an upturned lip and...
  9. Xyla Teresi

    Ask Event A Joining of Minds

    "An invitation?" Xyla regarded the invitation with an inquisitive quirk of an eyebrow, studying the expensive paper as she flipped it over to check the backside for any extra details. None. "Curious." The conclave was to take place on Ruusan and was supposedly held outside the authority of...