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  1. Sora

    Is your character a Mary Sue?

    Since I surely took all your remarks, critics and advice about my character and writing seriously in order to improve myself, I reflected a lot and eventually edited my character profile many times to come out with something that is far more interesting than it was at the beginning. I also took...
  2. Sora

    The Girl From the Slums

    Coruscant. Capital world of the Galactic Republic and unavoidable place for galactic travelers. Almost all known worlds in the galaxy knew this planet, at least by name. With more than a trillion people, it was by far the most populous but also the most polluted. Completely covered with...
  3. Sora

    [Frienship] In search for Padawan friends

    It would be nice for Sora to make good friendships during her training so we might have some group adventures together in the future. I especially seek a best friend (girl) her age. Thank you~ ♥
  4. Sora

    Thread to delete

    I am sorry but I didn't know how it happened.=/
  5. Sora

    [Padawan Sora] A Master Appointed by the Council

    Your character's name: Sora Link to character's profile: >> Here << Your character's rank: Padawan. What you're seeking to learn: Not to fear and to control the Force. Your general availability: All the time? For the person who will accept to be her Master, it will be quite a challenge...
  6. Sora


    I'd like to know how to make it work please. Thank you!
  7. Sora

    What is the last movie you saw?

    I'm going to watch again "A Werewolf Boy" tonight. It is a very good movie, I recommend it to you. For those wondering: no, it's definitely NOT Twilight Korean version. I am not found of movies who pull out too much the dramatic/romantic string. This...
  8. Sora

    Cleaning A Topic

    Is it possible to clean my character's sheet? Not that I can't stand the trolls, but it would be nice with no replies now since I âlready used the clever commentaries well. Thank you very much! ^^
  9. Sora

    ♪ That song stuck in your head ♫

    You know what that is, right? When for no apparent reason you got one song strongly stuck in your head. If you have that right now, don't hesitate to share for the fun! Now for me the song is 휘뚜루 마뚜루 (Hwidduru Madduru) There is no reason...
  10. Sora

    Let's talk about LOVE

    Pretty much everything is in the title. Let's talk about Love. Anything about it. Are you in a relationship? Are you married? Have you ever been in love? Are you in love? How to confess to someone? Do you have an ideal type? What about dating in your country? How do you meet dates? Have you...
  11. Sora

    [OPEN] A Whole New World

    A whole new world. A complete different thing from what she could have ever imagined from their hovel in the Blackpit Slums. Coruscant stank, was overpolluted, dirty and gloomy. Here her lungs seemed like they were new again breathing a fresh and pure air, and she could actually see in the...
  12. Sora

    To Press In Dire Situations

    Everything is in the title: :bitchez:bitchez:bitchez:bitchez:bitchez:bitchez:bitchez:bitchez:bitchez
  13. Sora


    PROFIL NAME: Sora. SPECIES: Human. GENDER: Female (♀). AGE: 18 y.o. "Run Devil Devil Run Run" PHYSICS & BODY HEIGHT: 157 cm / 5'15''. WEIGHT: 44 kg / 97 lbs. EYES: Brown with single eyelid and slight convergent stabismus. HAIR: Brown, long, thin, soft and often dyed. SKIN: Light, clear...
  14. Sora

    ⋆⋆★ Shooting star ★⋆⋆

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... A girl fan of STAR WARS series... A girl in love with music... A girl that dreamed to be a Jedi and learnt a few tricks... A girl who would be honored to enter this community and share some adventures... Please, take good care of her.