Search results

  1. Lissa Blackhand

    Ask Crossed Paths Amidst Crossed Blades

    The Beauteous Bog The Moons of Bogden Inner Rim 1542 Hours The near-collapse of the various guilds that kept order and stability along the Hydian Way was a horrible thing, people were being preyed upon in larger numbers than ever before now and pirates ran free without consequence. As much...
  2. Lissa Blackhand

    Ask Mustafar The Event Horizon

    The Black Sun Base The Tulrus Mountains Mustafar 07:22 Hours Local Time Mustafar...this place felt wrong. Regardless of what the planet may have gone through in recent decades, be it healing or terraforming or some other kriff, everyone knew this place was cursed in some way or another...
  3. Lissa Blackhand

    Ask Serenno And So The Sun Sets...

    Serenno The Forest surrounding Carannia City 2032 Hours It was weird how the quiet could make even the faintest of thoughts near deafening. So many people went through life surrounded by darkness and death, the potential to die at any moment from disease, murder, or even something as simple...
  4. Lissa Blackhand

    Ask Mandalore Cybernetics Are A Girl's Best Friend

    Mandalore Afternoon Outfit"No, you don't understand, I AM HERE. TO. SEE. SOMEONE." Lissa said, accentuating each word with a broadly familiar gesture in a vain attempt to produce better results. The Aqualish could only stare and make several unintelligible noises, presumably in frustration and...
  5. Lissa Blackhand

    Ask Palm Trees and Pirate Ships

    Kowak Evening Outfit Lissa still wasn't quite used to the concept of jungles and forests. Growing up on Nar Shadda, all you knew were brights, big cities, endless noise and chatter. Even the farmlands of Dantooine had some activity, but this place? Silence. If she closed her eyes, she would...
  6. Lissa Blackhand

    Ask Corellia Hyperlanes 11

    The Purple Rose Corellia Early Afternoon Outfit The Cigarra helped to calm Lissa' nerves as she settled into her chair, a slow sigh releasing a plume of smoke. She made it a point to keep smoking to a minimum, but right now she needed it. It had been about a week since the job on Telos IV but...
  7. Lissa Blackhand

    Open What Bars Were Made For

    The Lustful Lekku Bar Open to any and all 1942 Nice place, all things considered, quiet despite the naming convention. You'd think it'd be noisy as all hell, filled with drunk kids looking to get their freak on with some poor Twi'leks working the crowd so they didn't go destitute. Instead, the...