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  1. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Rhia watched with great interest with how Lady Demici mastered controlling the wild beasts. Naturally, she was more powerful in the force, and thus it made sense, but taking in both technique and demeanour was important also. Some day soon, she hoped, they'd be able to take the then grown...
  2. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Rhiannon was an attentive student and thus when Lady Demici began offering the lesson, she sat transfixed and excitedly absorbed the knowledge being granted. It was like reading a book with missing pages or words, and her mentor always knew the right things to say in order to complete the...
  3. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    It was an exciting day combining her two favourite things, working with Lady Demici and the wolf pups! The fact that Lumi was taking well to the initial training was a promising sight, but considering the loose similarities between the squire and the pup, was that all surprising? Glancing over...
  4. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Rhia walked along with Lady Demici at a reasonable pace. Both women were in excellent shape due to the latter's high level of expectation in training, and cardio was no exception. The squire chuckled once they had reached the barn and her mentor could see right through her thoughts. "Of course...
  5. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Nodding while quickly chewing through her delicious brekkie before swallowing with a big gulp. "Yes! Actually, the bed was quite comfy compared to the academy bunks!" The squire in turn asking the same of the Knight-Captain. Taking things outside into the bright, beautiful day, Rhia was just as...
  6. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Feeding the puppies was definitely going to be one of her favourite activities, if she didn't place such a high priority on being the top squire in the year she would have happily taken the year off to play and look after the babies. As for feeding themselves, Squire Delevigne wasn't about to...
  7. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    There was something immaculately comforting about the embrace that they shared in that meadow, just beside the barn, under the warm sunlight. A collection of a student's caution with a steady helping of teenage weariness, combined most dutifully with a mentors love and dedication. Rhia giggled...
  8. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    When Lady Demici confirmed that they would name the younger pup Lumi, a beam of light could be mistaken for bursting out of the young squire as she squee'd in excitement. At least, for a second or two before realising and quickly shifting to compose herself. The surrounding situation for her...
  9. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    With how the puppies interacted, it was exciting to see that they were largely getting along like one big happy family. Each played a fun little role in the hierarchy, and although they were still wild animals, it was even more fun to see how they were becoming more familiar with them. Rhia...
  10. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Rhia was perhaps just as excited to play with the puppies as they were to play with her. Nodding along with Lady Demici's suggestion to leave, the squire slowly and carefully lifted herself up off the floor, while still offering head scratches to the nearest. One by one, the pups followed the...
  11. Rhiannon

    Ask Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl-Squire

    Patience was something that Rhia had in spades, especially after the lengthy lessons Lady Demici had drilled into her and the insistence on a strict meditation schedule. (@LadyRen) The Laila she knew from earlier was more likely to have a spade itself and judging by the bored glare she held...
  12. Rhiannon

    Ask Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl-Squire

    It seemed like forever ago that Rhia had met the infamously fashionable Miss Din on their respective first days. So much time had passed, days and weeks went by filled with both scary and adorbs moments, it would be hard to tell it all in one sitting. While more lessons or missions sounded...
  13. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Rhia's little eyes were caught between the emotionally engaging discussion with her mentor and the cuties dang puppies she'd ever seen. Still, she would be remiss to scamper through the rare opportunity that Lady Demici offered, and would enjoy it while it lasted. "You might not have grown up...
  14. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Half the farm would probably have heard an ecstatic squeal if not for the well drilled meditation holding back the tsunami of emotion bottled up behind Rhia's mental grip. Taking the handful of jerky, the squire happily dangled the dried piece of meat before the curious pup, attempting to entice...
  15. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Doing her best Lady Demici impression of a brave but loving, together but kind and grounded in meditation, Rhia carefully entered the barn with her mentor. Sensing the pups scramble brought an adorable smile to the young girls face as she continued to fight the urge to simply skip in and cuddle...
  16. Rhiannon

    Ask Howling Across the Fields

    Rhia had always wanted a puppy, like she was so certain of this in every which possible way. Ever since peering into those eight eyes, she'd been completely smitten and over the moon about them. Not only had she to text Lady Demici incessantly for updates, but in the meantime, the young squire...
  17. Rhiannon

    Ask Ossan Opportunities

    It was something of a relief to see that Lady Demici was in one piece, of course, but it would still take a while for things to calm down in the squires head. She'd seen a horrible big explosion, knowing that the other was nearby, but fortune or good luck had come through for them after all...
  18. Rhiannon

    Ask Ossan Opportunities

    The squire may have been rather young and naive to some extent, but even little Rhia could see that her mentor wasn't entirely fine. While she soldiered on, her mentee attempted to complete a medical evaluation, mentally marking each cut and bruise. "Me? Nothing hit me! I'm more worried about...
  19. Rhiannon

    Ask Ossan Opportunities

    The instant the blast waves cleared, Rhia darted her eyes back toward where she assumed Lady Demici would be. In all the chaos it was impossible to track her down with the force, before suddenly the wave of dust and debris slammed into the onlookers, even as far out as they were. Knocked down...
  20. Rhiannon

    Ask Ossan Opportunities

    Rhia could only attempt to reach out with the force and feel her lady's presence that way, not directly having visual of the unfolding situation. The chaos of everything happening at once slightly blurred her concentration, first the soldiers arrived brandishing their weapons, next came the call...