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  1. Theodore Calekk

    Open Social Business Is Well… Business

    The pulsating beats of Krevaaki folk music resumed, filling the dimly lit cantina with an energetic vibe. Theodore Calekk, a Krevaaki man known for his sharp instincts, observed the unfolding drama with a mix of curiosity and wariness. The Duros, with his unconscious cargo, now faced off against...
  2. Theodore Calekk

    Open Social Business Is Well… Business

    Theodore watched as the Duros man picked up the body and slang it over his shoulder. There’s no damn way that this guy cares. Theodore thought, watching behind the plants. And then the man went inside the pub. Shit, shit, shit. Theodore thought. If the man went inside the pub, he would be lost...
  3. Theodore Calekk

    Open Social Business Is Well… Business

    “Here in the pub.” Theodore said, gesturing his hand out to the pub. “Business, huh? Aren’t we all.” Theodore said, eyeing the man. From Theodor’s knowledge, the man was a Duros. “And, even so, why look at the body. Leave him for dead, anyway. He’s not your business.” Theodore said, trying to...
  4. Theodore Calekk

    Open Social Business Is Well… Business

    Theodore walked around the pub, and took a mother drink. He loved stealing, fake business. If only he had the resources to have more. He could only wish however. As Theodore finished up his last drink, he took his briefcase from the table and began to walk outside. He took a look out the...
  5. Theodore Calekk

    Open Social Business Is Well… Business

    Location: Krevas Theodore watched, observant of his surroundings, watching the swamp of his home world Krevas. He was waiting on the arrival of a fellow dealer, who had promised him more weapons. Obviously, Theodore’s intentions were clear to him: get the weapon, kill the dealer, or capture him...