Search results

  1. Fnord Prefect

    Any interest in a lighthearted, Bronze Age canon Marvel romp?

    Anyone else remember the comic books of days gone by, when you could get away with anything because it was a comic book, not an excuse to be all dark and moody all the time? I'm talking about the Steve Gerber, Roy Thomas days of four color soap opera zaniness. When comics were actually fun...
  2. Fnord Prefect

    Make a Statement!

    Go ahead, say something.
  3. Fnord Prefect

    Is there a timeline or recent events thread?

    I'm still finding my way around the site, but can't find anything to bring me up to speed on the timeline history, or at least recent history. In looking at the galaxy map I see that the Sith control the most planets, and I saw a reference to a Mandalorian genocide, but is there anywhere I can...
  4. Fnord Prefect

    Child of Korriban (pre-training)

    Ojentru dipped his claws in the natural pool of water, scrubbing the blood from the hunt from his hands before scrubbing his face as well. The scarlet blood on his white fur turned pink, then washed away completely. The bones of the kryyk lizard the Horansi had snacked on lay scattered under the...
  5. Fnord Prefect

    Applying for Sith Membership, in need of someone to find me, and a Master

    Hi, I've created my first character here, and need two things: 1. I'd love to write a backstory thread where Ojentru is found by a Sith and taken to the Academy on Korriban to begin his training. 2. I need a Master once that's done. It can be the same person, if it's a Master who finds him...
  6. Fnord Prefect


    NAME: Ojentru (oh-JEN-true) FACTION: New Sith Imperium RANK: Acolyte SPECIES: Mashi Horansi AGE: 22 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6'3" WEIGHT: 248lbs EYES: White HAIR: White fur with black stripes SKIN: Pink, if you were to shave him. Don't shave him. CREDITS: 96 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Three...
  7. Fnord Prefect

    Ask me anything.

    Go ahead, ask! No question is too deep, no answer is too full of nonsense. Am I brilliant? Am I lying? WHO KNOWS? Not you, until you ask me something.
  8. Fnord Prefect

    New guy with delusions of grandeur!

    Hello, Star Wars folks! I stumbled across your site while on a drunken search for a Star Wars play-by-post game that was actually welcoming and helpful to new players, instead of one that's inclusive, cliqueish, and populated by overeager fans of creating female characters with gorgeous avatars...