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  1. TheLupus

    Subject Five

    THEME - - OPENING FILE ON: SUBJECT FIVE - - Subject Five is, as the name implies, the fifth in a long line of experiments executed by Lord [REDACTED]. Unlike all the other, Subject Five is the only human present in the experiments, as well as the only female and juvenile specimen...
  2. TheLupus

    The Winds of Redemption

    "Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of Man." Miyamoto had arrived in Naboo a few days ago, and his days had been mostly spent in deep reflection and thinking. He had come to the conclusion that there were things he could not hope to understand alone and had reflected on the matter...
  3. TheLupus

    Introducing my character to the order!

    Hey guys! I was recently looking to do a thread introducing my character to the order in a thread, but the guy that was going to RP with me won’t be able to post, so I was hopping if any of you could lend me a hand in this? Thanks in advance, Lupus
  4. TheLupus

    The Book of Earth - Facing Destiny

    THEME “Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.” IN THE JUNGLES OF KASHYYYK MIDNIGHT Miyamoto felt back in home when he delved into the mysteries of the gigantic swamp that seemed to be Kashyyyk. He had been instructed to...
  5. TheLupus

    Looking for a Master!

    My character Miyamoto Musashi has been officially approved as a Jedi, so I’m posting this to hopefully find a master that suits him well. Just a few things I would like to point out: Miyamoto main focus will be combat, being the studies centered on the mechanics of the force a secondary...
  6. TheLupus

    Unknown Regions

    So I was just now reflecting about some stuff. We’re way ahead chronologically even from the Legacy era stuff, despite this we still haven’t ventured out into the Unknown Regions to, well, make them known. So the deal behind this question is: if someone wanted to expand into this region, how...
  7. TheLupus

    Miyamoto Musashi

    [THEME] "Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind." Master always said stuff like this while we took our weekly walk around the gardens. Master was a strange figure who taught all I know about swordplay, this...
  8. TheLupus

    At a Knife's Edge

    AT A KNIFE'S EDGE [THEME] One day of exploring the City of Bones’ port confirmed all the rumors Rosie had heard: these people were left to the scraps. Powerful weapons, drugs, machines and even slaves were the basis of Zonju’s economy, and it was sickening, even people at Cartel...
  9. TheLupus

    Rosie Ford

    [THEME] My whole life was a big struggle. I was born amidst this war, and I felt the effects of it way before the first sunray touched my newborn face: my dad, a promising Jedi Master, was killed during a mission in Nar Shaddaa, this happened while my mother was still pregnant. With my...
  10. TheLupus

    Rosie Ford

    [THEME] My whole life was a big struggle. I was born amidst this war, and I felt the effects of it way before the first sunray touched my newborn face: my dad, a promising Jedi Master, was killed during a mission in Nar Shaddaa, this happened while my mother was still pregnant. With my...
  11. TheLupus

    Pls don't throw poop at me

    Hello peps! Name’s Pedro Henrique da Silva Lobo Lima, but I would prefer being referred to just as Lupus. I’m a Brazilian Guy in his early twenties, currently doing International Relations in college (and yes I’m very proud of that ;-;). I like Star Wars, I like Fallout, I like anything...