Search results

  1. Mesa

    Talking Tree Totally Taking Tutors

    After that horrible alliteration, I present to you: Click his name to go to the profile! He's my totally tubular Neti Jedi Padawan and just so happens to be without a Master. Or training. ...Or friends. Which is why I'm making this thread! He's pretty much the coolest - and only, as far...
  2. Mesa

    Uuk Tiin

    FACTIONNew Jedi Order RANKPadawan SPECIESNeti HEIGHT2-9.5 meters WEIGHTVaries HOMEPLANETCularin EYE COLORHazel FOLIAGE COLORGreen-Brown AGE1,135[/size] [/td] Seeded on the planet Cularin, Uuk remained dormant as a seed for several centuries before finally germinating...
  3. Mesa

    [HUTT BOUNTY] Lola Rhysati

    CIRCUMTORE, CIRCUMTORE SYSTEM CIRCUMTORE TERMINAL AND DIPLOMATIC RECEPTION AREA EARLY MORNINGCircumtore. The ring-shaped planetoid had a history for attracting the wrong type of people to its refuge, much like the rest of Hutt Space. Pirates, smugglers, murderers, all manner of scum could...
  4. Mesa

    Harmin Vegue

    "In every life, there comes a day of reckoning - a time when unsettled scores demand retribution, and our own lies and transgressions are finally laid bare." — Emily Thorne ▹ NAME Harmin Vegue ◂ ▹ HOMEWORLD Morellia ◂ ▹ AFFILIATION The Hutt Cartel ◂ ▹ POSITION Prospect ◂Harmin Vegue is a...
  5. Mesa

    Mesa's Manifest | RP Organizer

    Click name for profile link! Anzati assassin-turned-Sith-Acolyte, complete with: ‣ Hot bod! ‣ Sneaky sneaky talent! ‣ Totally-not-an-Anzat lying skills! ‣ 174 years of life! ‣ A brain! LOOKING FOR A master and/or Someone to train with Training in Form VII or Form IV Force training...
  6. Mesa

    Draku Liro

    DRAKU LIRO “Power resides only where men believe it resides. [...] A shadow on the wall, yet shadows can kill. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.” - George R.R. Martin BASIC INFORMATION ALIAS None AFFILIATION New Sith Imperium RANK Acolyte AGE 174 GSY SPECIES...
  7. Mesa

    New Member? Nah.

    Gooooooooood morning evening Vietnaaam TSWRP! I'm totes new (not really, I first popped in in like, 2010, but forgot literally all of my account stuff) or something. I decided one rainy-and-generally-awful-weather morning (today), after coming home from my Candidate Visitation Weekend at the...