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  1. Tsukihana

    Dinner Among Friends

    Tsukihana flitted around the set table, obsessively looking over every detail to ensure everything was perfect for her guests. It would have been easier with the aid of a few slaves, but alas, Imperial law made ownership or trading of them illegal. Thus the petite woman was forced to make do...
  2. Tsukihana

    A Most Tedious Evaluation

    The cold bit through the small woman’s cloak and scarves as she hiked through Ziost’s tundra. Wind stung her eyes, making them tear up. Yet the small dot of black kept moving against the sheets of swirling white, refusing to give in, even as she was forced many times to use her pike to shove...
  3. Tsukihana


    TSUKIHANA NAME TSUKIHANA / / AGE TWENTY-TWO / / RANK SITH CRUSADER Watershed | Ice Queen How to create a monster: First one must take something innocent, then feed it hate, ridicule, and betrayal. All that is left is a soul poisoned by the world." LEGACY THE MURDERER “I am a...