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  1. Aibhne Tibbot

    Hallowed Halls: Friend or Foe

    He was in total agreement with Kyrene. Though his distant stare was only stirred back into attention upon the senators' stupid words. They talked as though free citizens' lives weren't worth wasting a credit chit on. That history served as no basis of reference. But now, Aibhne's defeat changed...
  2. Aibhne Tibbot

    Prepositional Phase

    "Dr-What??" Having kept his wrist ready to bend with alacrity, his saber tip was swatted to his right while his hilt remained relatively stationary. Her saber arced outside of his hilt, as he dropped his hilt inside her returning swing so that her saber would be blocked by the angled base of...
  3. Aibhne Tibbot

    Battle of Felucia - Dirty Tactics

    Vile, their trek through the long landscape had been. Mud marred his ivory and gold Hósios Sóma armor, splattered up his knees. Brown speckled his cheekbones. Paranoia prickled his mind from all sides to the clicking of insects, the croaking of plants, and the cackling of nightmares. Yet he...
  4. Aibhne Tibbot

    Evening Stretch

    Aibhne offered a lift of his brows as he solemnly watched Falcon take his leave. The towel lowered to his side within a fist as he flicked it at his leg like a tail swatting at flies, disapproving eyes sliding sideways to Tarnit. This man took life to flippantly. "When I'm at full strength...
  5. Aibhne Tibbot

    Hallowed Halls: Friend or Foe

    He stood still. His eye twitched to the sounds of pikes sparking into fire behind, his predatory skull cocking forward to the hands he witnessed reaching for holsters. Brow low, his scornful stare crawled from one senator to the other. He held there for a moment in pause. They dare question a...
  6. Aibhne Tibbot

    Hallowed Halls: Friend or Foe

    BANG slammed his fist against the table. He hated cinnamon. "Neat! Convenient?? People died! I nearly died! For you! Those Sith were part of a larger group. With purpose. Wielding these..." he spat as he flexed forth one of the Sith's lightsaber hilts he'd confiscated. He stood as he tossed...
  7. Aibhne Tibbot

    Prepositional Phase

    Grumpily watching her childlike wonder and enjoyment when she nearly seared a hole through her own head, he accidentally chattered his tongue off his teeth with an almost spitting titter. He immediately feared and regretted the sound, a flush of denial choking him stiff. He hoped she hadn't...
  8. Aibhne Tibbot

    Prepositional Phase

    Aibhne's face gnarled askew and wide-eyed, when he suddenly dropped backwards with a strangled yelp. The pain of landing on soar bones and bruises caused a cringe thereafter, delaying his embarrassed realization of the effeminate shriek that'd just escaped his croaking throat. On his back, he...
  9. Aibhne Tibbot

    Prepositional Phase

    She continued to surpass expectations. Though his expression only stiffened further. For he took man, woman, and child alike in war his equal. She no different. His right foot stepped back, body angling away and profile with his right arm arrogantly folded behind his back, as his left-hand...
  10. Aibhne Tibbot


    "A brotherhood," he quickly answered. "Not one made of a single man's vision, one gem's corruption bleeding into the collection. But of every facet making the other brighter. To destroy the darkness. Till the end." Aibhne sat on the edge of anticipation, hiding it as best he could behind his...
  11. Aibhne Tibbot

    Hallowed Halls: Friend or Foe

    And so the heavens sang glory in the gleam of their presence, in ivory so glinting the Light. Oh praise be the Jedi, adored adorning halos. For they bring with them, these messengers of virtue, tidings of hope. Usher in a new legacy, they'd say, one envisioning peace; brought on by the burly...
  12. Aibhne Tibbot

    Evening Stretch

    Aibhne's eyes warily withdrew as he scrutinized Tarnit's sarcastic compliments. He both credited Tarnit with a certain victory in his performance as well as his sharp words, the way he stood up to Aibhne's normally abusive and berating attitude, while also disliking it all for the trouble of...
  13. Aibhne Tibbot

    Tython Clash - Round 2 - Fight 2

    Three of five fingers on Aibhne's left hand flexed open before his right hand could finish its futile saber swing, left wrist crooking forward, and Curo in his shallow back-leap would be whipped backwards as the back of Curo's neck would lead him into the ground with crushing impact. Unlike...
  14. Aibhne Tibbot

    Evening Stretch

    Aibhne hitched his hands to his hips and settled into a strong stance, brow cocked curiously as he weaved in and out of Tarnit's logic; agreeing at times, disagreeing at others. There befell strong tones behind a grim expression of deliberation. He had to be careful now, as he listened, not to...
  15. Aibhne Tibbot

    Prepositional Phase

    His eyes flexed open in abysmal shock and terror, eyes turning up towards hers just in time to be bayoneted by a blink. Her wink impaling his throat whereby blood over-clotted into a swollen, choking ball. "I, I, I..." he stammered in a quandary between denial of a desire to strip her bare and...
  16. Aibhne Tibbot

    Tython Clash - Round 2 - Fight 2

    Aibhne's right blade switched off as right hand swung inwards/down/left from previous thrust as Aibhne's left blade, down-turned, conversely swung across his body/right over his right arm defensively - as Aibhne dove into a right knee slide in towards Curo's feet, right saber re-igniting into a...
  17. Aibhne Tibbot


    Grimacing a respectful focus at her, bobbing his head agreeably, he ate up her wise words. Key words and phrases highlighted in his mind, marking hurdles she was passing beautifully. He admired her cut and dry contrast, her blunt honesty. "Interesting." Her insight was deeper than he might've...
  18. Aibhne Tibbot

    Prepositional Phase

    Her scathing indifference infuriated Aibhne, his eyes flicking about in search of submissive reasoning. Yet every hairbreadth defied him. Almost in spite of him. Her eyes were maddening. Her sighs swelled his chest with a surge of over-breath. Her mouth, that incessant chewing, remained...
  19. Aibhne Tibbot

    Tython Clash - Round 2 - Fight 2

    Aibhne's foot caught on Curo's heel, Curo's weight toppling back over Aibhne's and tugging Aibhne's body back by the leg unexpectedly. Aibhne slid into a splitting lunge, already bending down and leaning back - sensing the swell of energy in Curo's possession but unable to fully react - and...
  20. Aibhne Tibbot

    Tython Clash - Round 2 - Fight 2

    Aibhne reacted to Curo's fake, thus giving him formidable reaction speed and timing to Curo's actual attack thereafter; as both Aibhne's reaction and Curo's real attack simultaneously instigated in harmony. Again, in one complex, fluid motion: Aibhne's left saber scraped up Curo's lower blade...