Search results

  1. TheTrueOrnstein

    Ornstein's Character Workshop

    NAME: Narock Mimiir FACTION: Sith RANK: Acolyte SPECIES: Half-Corellian Half-Korunnai AGE: 23 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 5'10 WEIGHT: 165 lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Blonde SKIN: Tan CREDITS: 1000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Tattoo's on arms and torso FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTH: 5/10 DEXTERITY: 6/10...
  2. TheTrueOrnstein

    New Guy in Town

    Greetings my fellow Star Wars fans, I'm TheTrueOrnstein or Ornstein for short, I was looking over this website and thought it looked really interesting, so I signed up. I hope we all get along.