Search results

  1. Gabeness

    Cale Godeev

    NAME: Cale (Kaal-eh) Godeev FACTION: None RANK: --- SPECIES: Human AGE: 27 GENDER: Male HOMEWORLD: Abafar FORCE SENSITIVE: Force sensitive, untrained. APPEARANCE: (Drew this myself) ATTRIBUTES: Cale, due to him being born on Abafar, has a slight resistance of heat (5-15% resistance). He is...
  2. Gabeness

    Vihu Landari

    Vihu Landari NAME: Vihu Landari FACTION: None RANK: None SPECIES: Mirialan AGE: 29 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6' 1" WEIGHT: 167 pounds EYES: Orange HAIR: Oil Black SKIN: Green CREDITS: 1,000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Has the traditional Mirialan black patterns on his face but also bears many faded cuts...
  3. Gabeness


    Hello! My name's Gabriel. I've recently gotten more and more interested in Star Wars. I've just finished the book Tarkin (LOVED IT) and am actually open to suggestions for more lore books, or at least books that will put me in more depth towards Star Wars. I mostly prefer the Clone Wars (EPISODE...