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  1. Chuck Owens

    Honing the Blade

    @Horizon Deen was late. He heard all about this course from Letto, although he had to admit, was a little reluctant at first. It was run by a man named Garreth, who Deen had heard little about, only that he was harsh, strict and generally better off avoided. However, Deen had already refused...
  2. Chuck Owens

    Tangerine Skies OOC

    @Deviant @Bigfatpenn Threads up guys. Feel free to insert your characters how you feel best and if I need to change or add anything to the starter let me know. Click me!
  3. Chuck Owens

    Tangerine Skies

    Tangrene Dawn @Deviant @Bigfatpenn The fire burned low, each ember squeezing out its last dregs of heat. Deen Jacmin sat on a rounded boulder off to one side, struggling to keep his eyes open. The sun began to crawl into view over the grainy horizon, setting the sky ablaze with tangerine fire...
  4. Chuck Owens

    Into the Hives

    Alderaan, Castle Lands Midday Winter Deen Jacmin coughed. These hives had been untouched for longer than history remembers and the dust was dense. The mild midday sun was now covered by the walls of the hive, lowering the amiable temperature to a brisk chill. The hives were of great...
  5. Chuck Owens


    Hi everyone. My name's Chuck Owens, I'm 15 and I've been RPing for about 4 years, with varying degrees of success (you can imagine what an 11 year old's writing is like). I'm from the UK and I've just finished Deen Jacmin's character profile, so check it out and let me know what you think. I'd...
  6. Chuck Owens

    Deen Jacmin

    DEEN SPECIES: Human GENDER: Male ORIENTATION: Heterosexual AGE: 18 HEIGHT: 6'5" WEIGHT: 180 lbs NAME: Deen Jacmin FACTION: Jedi Knights RANK: Jedi Padawan HOMEWORLD: Dantooine FORCE-SENSITIVE: Yes PERSONALITY Deen is a charismatic guy who tries to stay friendly and respectful at all times...