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  1. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: The Most Dangerous Game

    ____________ The Tiss'shar had to give them respect for their limited vigilance. While they had not initially known of his approach they seemed to be aware of it now. He was still at his effective shooting range for his sniper rifle, within five hundred meters. This meant that any...
  2. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: I Am A Dragon

    ____________ The dragon had been alerted. Already out of range of any possible fire breath or melee range Cyzyn knew that he still had to make a quick escape or risk being killed by such a terrifying creature. No manner of effort towards changing the dragon's mind would change...
  3. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Pathfinder

    ____________ While Cyzyn's efforts were in vain he would not be able to influence the mind of the attacker. The Tiss'shar continued to dodge attacks, feeling a single laser score a hit along his hull despite his attempts at evasive manuevers before he activated the hyperdrive once...
  4. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Pathfinder

    ____________ The moment the Triskele had opened fired it alerted Cyzyn's ship of its location which returned fire in its own right. The distance between the two was still significant at this point since the Triskele had arrived far enough away to avoid detection. It was at...
  5. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Pathfinder

    ____________ Saw the two contacts blink out on his console before the wing leader did. The wing leader stayed active but had been on a crash course with his ship but his perpendicular and evasive maneuvers made the pirate's ship pass through the path his ship had been moments ago...
  6. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Xenobiologist

    ____________ The man seemed to be convinced at this point. It was the just the regular details that needed to be clarified for a sensible execution of the job that was ahead. Cyzyn handed the doctor a datapad with the information for the following days. It included the financial...
  7. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Pathfinder

    ____________ Cyzyn felt the shock of several hits strike glancing blows on his ship. Thankfully he was aimed directly at the enemy attackers and had a slimer profile than if he had actually evaded and given the pirates a profile. They needed to follow him or point directly at him...
  8. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: I Am A Dragon

    ____________ The two would head deeper into the cave. He could tell as they went further in that the air was changing. All it took was a slightly controled environment and the temperature and feel of the air was completely different. It was almost warm. This made it easier...
  9. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Platinum Grade

    ____________ Titus remained silent over the following proposition and negotiations. The captain listened for the remainder of the explination. He nodded her and there, thinking it over. It was a great bit of money but credit was not an issue for the Sith. He had plenty of coin...
  10. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Nerf Herding

    ____________ Cyzyn was not done with his deceptive ways. He did not implant anything that was not already there. His powers did not allow that and he did not like to think that the force could truly make something out of nothing. It was why he was delving into alchemy. The...
  11. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Pathfinder

    ____________ The Yalub was equiped for combat to some extent. With a simple wave of his hand he informed the others to take their battle stations. The turret was primed and ready, rotating to prepare to compensate for the fighters that were getting closer. Cyzyn on the other hand...
  12. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Nerf Herding

    ____________ Cyzyn observed Ake with mild curiousity. In truth he found the Deucalian far more interesting than any of the other people present. The man was strong and powerful. There was another Sith, Brandr, who had shown a great amount of promise and Ake had the...
  13. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: The Most Dangerous Game

    ____________ Cyzyn confirmed Brandr's decision and got up from his position and made his way closer along with the deucalian. However the Sith Master would once he was within the rifle's efffective range and readied it for use as the human sith made his way closer. Sighting in...
  14. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Nerf Herding

    ____________ Cyzyn looked towards Ake after his question. One of his feiry blue serpentine slit eyes focused on the man for a moment before replying. "They are approaching now." He said also loud enough for the serving droids to be ready to provide libations and food for the...
  15. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Platinum Grade

    ____________ As they approached it would seem that Titus would take the lead somewhat. Cyzyn did not make a move at first to follow up on the two Sith's behalf. Instead he stood there silently waiting for an answer. The man would turn towards Titus with a quizzical look...
  16. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Wild Hinderances

    ____________ Cyzyn finished a gulp of the raw flesh for a moment. Blood dripped from his scarred maw onto the dry cave floor. "I the colonists had attempted it surely several of them would have died in the process. I think this creature was used to being at the top of the...
  17. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    Blood Moon: Pocket Smuggler

    ____________ The two parties had come to an agreement. The smuggler counted his blessings and seem to understand that this was as good as it was going to get for him. It could possibly be the best potential scinario and open up new avenues for him in the future if he took full...
  18. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: I Am A Dragon

    ____________ He heard the voice of Ake behind him. He turned his head to give him a look that told him to be quiet. There was no room for error, not if everyone wanted to survive this. But before the man could illicit a response the Tiss'shar would turn back to the path head...
  19. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Platinum Grade

    ____________ The Tiss'shar turned slightly towards the Sith cohort for a moment at his remark before responding. "no, deffinitly not any sort of welcome. But that is not what I want. A welcome party would imply that we want to be known." That was far from what Cyzyn...
  20. Cyzyn-Itza-Rus Xho'thal

    WWWW: Xenobiologist

    ____________ Cyzyn had a great many mechinations in place and he would be a liar if he said he was going to let it hang all on one individual's choice. It was not like he was going to be rude or abuse the man. In fact the xenobiologist would probably have a better life by...