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  1. Blythe

    A New Business Partner

    Blythe leaned back in her chair, adjusting her gemmed sunglasses before taking a sip of an non alcoholic beverage. It was pink in color, just like the tightly fitting sun dress she wore. Her hair was well groomed but it fell loosely over her shoulders in longer curls. The day was gorgeous...
  2. Blythe

    Holonet Broadcast: The Jedi Lie

    Holonet Broadcast: The Jedi Lie ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... All regular broadcasts over the holonet stopped, suddenly blacking out then switching to something new. Greetings citizens of the galaxy, a robotic voice played over footage of a group of Jedi approaching an Exile temple. We are Reaper...
  3. Blythe

    Again and Again

    Again and Again ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Wearing her designer dress, Blythe waited for Siris to arrive. She had asked him to meet at a semi-reputable clothing store that was close to the Reeking Reek, but not too close. They could walk the rest of the way, which was much safer than taking...
  4. Blythe


    Life ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Two weeks after their trip to Cantonica... It was cold inside and raining outside. Everything around her was dusty, old, and she was crying. An endless stream of tears rolled down her pale cheeks like the rain that rolled down the roofs outside, but none of...
  5. Blythe

    New Blood

    New Blood ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... It was time to get some new blood to deal with a new issue. Well... new issues. There was a constant flow of them cropping up, but that was simply growing pains and Blythe knew it. Her gang was getting more and more assets, more credits, more territory and...
  6. Blythe

    Blythe's SpaceTwitter

    Blythe @sparkleprincess220 Joined 6903 BBY Starbucks * shopping * cute girls * butt ratings * thug life 1 Follower you know 1,212 Photos and videos Tweets Following Followers Likes Tweets, current page. Tweets & replies Media
  7. Blythe


    Blossoms ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... It was hot. Perfectly hot. There was a red sun beaming warm white light across Nar Shaddaa and Blythe's creamy skin. Finally, she had gotten out on a nice day and to a restaurant no less. One normally frequented by the upper echelons of the infamous moon—an...
  8. Blythe

    On the House

    On the House ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Cantonica. It was about time that she had some time to simply relax, away from Nar Shaddaa and her gang members ever prying eyes. Well...mostly. She had brought one of her gang members on the trip with her as a body guard, and simply as a treat for his...
  9. Blythe

    Heavy Rain

    Heavy Rain ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Today Blythe decided to put some time into going through her new casino's console to make sure everything was in order. Sadly, it was also raining today so she would have to run to the front gates, having parked a little further away from the casino...
  10. Blythe

    The Toasted Twi'lek: Wolves

    The Toasted Twi'lek: Wolves ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Blythe walked up to her new black laminate desk. Her old desk had been wrecked in the shoot out, which really didn't bother her. It was old and should've been replaced years ago. She unpacked her box of items; a handful of datapads...
  11. Blythe


    Madness ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Click. Click. Click. One of Blythe's high heel shoes clicked against the hard basement floor. She sat on a chair far back from a cage that held Talia in it. As soon as Talia woke up, she'd find her arms and legs in shackles that were connected to the small...
  12. Blythe

    A Mystery to Solve

    A Mystery to Solve ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... "Ryiek!" Blythe said in a happy tune as he came into view. It was hard to miss a man that stood over six feet, after all. He was the one she had hired to find out what happened to Jake; and she truly hoped he was smart enough to solve the case...
  13. Blythe

    In The Moonlight

    In the Moonlight ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Thank the Force she had another business trip. Sure, she'd been on about a dozen before this, but this one couldn't have come at a better time. She was still trying to get over the troublesome week she had had. It wasn't just mentally draining, but...
  14. Blythe

    An Old Friend

    An Old Friend ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Flashback to one year ago Blythe screamed at the bloody mess that was Jake's face, and twisted out of the comfort of a patrons embrace, pitching forward. The patron, an ex name Quinn that was trying very hard to get back with her, curled one muscular...
  15. Blythe

    Can't Get Enough

    Can't Get Enough ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Blythe let the waitress fill her cup with coffee for the third time, and tried not to watch the two men across the table finishing their breakfasts. The sight and smell of all that egg and bacon and friend potato was making her feel queasy...
  16. Blythe

    Some Time Off

    Some Time Off ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Blythe washed her face and with a smile noted her clean, soft complexion. She then patted her face dry and put on her pink lipstick, first with a pencil and then with a lipstick brush, as always. She carefully put on her liner and just a small amount...
  17. Blythe

    The Toasted Twi'lek: Girls Night Out

    The Toasted Twi'lek: Girls Night Out ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Blythe turned around and saw a deep red dress, but it was no ordinary dress. Although she didn't recognize the brand on the label— all gold threads that spelled out "LOFI"—it was unquestionably expensive designer garment. Perhaps...
  18. Blythe

    The Toasted Twi'lek: When it Rains...

    The Toasted Twi'lek: When it Rains ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... The rain fell against the roof of the car in a drum beat of thonk-thonka-thonk and hit the windows with such force it sounded as if they were being bombarded with nails. Clearly, the weather wasn't letting up anytime soon. Blythe...
  19. Blythe

    The Toasted Twi'lek - Haunted Rain

    The Toasted Twi'lek - Haunted Rain ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪... Her raincoat pattered and rustled and dripped with the whispery sliding sound of the rain. Today the weather seemed to reflect her emotions... It poured and poured and poured ruthlessly, falling hard against the cement side walks...
  20. Blythe

    The Toasted Twi'lek - Full House

    The Toasted Twi'lek - Full House ♬♫♩♪... ♬♩♫♪... ♫♪♩♫♪ Blythe had arranged curls on either side of her face. For this particular outfit, her platinum blonde tresses were usually pulled straight back, giving her a fine, austere look, she thought. Making her eyes not look a murky ocean blue...