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  1. Qho'rin Solas

    Force Hunters

    From space, Estaria looked like nothing so much as a pair of grav-balls that had been cut in half and pressed together; as if you could twist the hemispheres apart like some children's toy and reveal the planet's core. Estaria's northern hemisphere had been swallowed by a massive city of domed...
  2. Qho'rin Solas

    The Lurking Shadow

    - Daxam IV Daxam IV reminded me somewhat of Jelucan. It was a cold, harsh world, but where Jelucan had been rocky and mountainous, Daxam IV was as wide and open as a desert. There was little cover to be had, save for the rolling dunes of icy sand. There was little life to be found as well; I...
  3. Qho'rin Solas

    Along Came a Hunter... And Worse

    - The Pink Mandible TSSEEEWWW! TSSEEEWWW! Before my brain fully registered what was happening I had ducked behind the bar for cover and palmed the cool metal of my lightsaber. I gave the Ruusian bartender a sheepish shrug, even as I internally sighed. Force forbid I manage a full quiet...