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  1. Marduc Vas

    The Beginning of a new life (Ashe Celtru Training)

    A lone figure sat, cross legged in the dark silent room, not stirring a bit, but to breathe lightly. It wasn't absolutely silent though, the humming of the com-link on the desk was just loud enough to be annoying and to disturb her thoughts. The lone light source at the top of the room lightly...
  2. Marduc Vas

    Ashe Celtru

    NAME: Ashelyn "Ashe" Celtru FACTION: Jedi Order RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Human AGE: 19 GENDER: Female HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 128lbs EYES: Light Blue HAIR: Blonde, Shoulder length, straight hair SKIN: Light CREDITS: 1000 DISTINGUISHING MARKS: She has a tattoo of a blue butterfly on the...
  3. Marduc Vas

    A Brand New Initiate (Marduc Vas)

    The white plated light freighter landed at port with a jerky halt, Marduc was still young and knew little about piloting and landing a ship with skill and grace. After a moment, the young Kiffar stepped out of the ship and onto the landing platform of Bastooine. It was an odd world, much unlike...
  4. Marduc Vas


    Yo, I'm Marduc. I've been surfing the forum for a few days before I posted anything, and I'm really looking forward to roleplay here.
  5. Marduc Vas

    Marduc Vas

    NAME: Marduc Vas FACTION: Crimson Knights RANK: Initiate SPECIES: Kiffar AGE: 19 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6' 1" WEIGHT: 180lbs EYES: Dark Green HAIR: Mid back length dreadlocks, Brown SKIN: Lightly tanned CREDITS: 1000 Credits DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Face Tattoo, an orange stripe that runs...