A Man with No Name



Character Profile
Kell Rook
Jun 28, 2021
Reaction score
Two men sat across each other in an old YT-1300 fashioned with brown, black, and dark green coloring. One had his sly smile of a poker face while the other wore a mask with a T-visor fitted with a large rebreather. The one in the mask spoke first, laying down his winning hand of a royal flush. The game was just another Sabacc set Wu had on board. They were playing for keeps. For a Sith.

For a Lie.

"Time someone taught you respect, little man." The Shadow spoke coldly as he stared down Wu Ming who kept on smiling. Wu only laughed. The Shadow reached for something down below the table, Stranger new it was gonna be another thorn in his side. Every slight movement the Mando-Heretic made was noted and made obvious for the Stranger who only relaxed and bided out his time.
"HA! Someone like you? I know you all keep tabs on me." He leaned back in his seat and glanced around the dark interior of The Derelict.
"Yeah, you've been strayin'," The Shadow said in more of a cruel tone, now full-on glaring at Wu Ming who still smirked like this fight wasn't the first and wasn't gonna be the last.

"You don't even use his name no more."

There it was. The threat. Wu Ming leaned over and and stared back at his old comrade. "Gambit is a chance at Salvation, brother."
He set down his cards- Full Sabacc -and chuckled again leaning back in his chair ready for the Shadow to pay up and leave.
"Take it."

The Shadow drew his cursed weapon, stood up from his chair, and aimed it's sights in between Wu's eyes- who stopped smiling and put his hands up in surrender. "You were always so afraid Crimil would get you," The Shadow sighed and shook his head in disdain. "Sorry, old friend..."

Wu Ming chuckled and pointed his right hand to his left, waved it all fancy like, and pulled out a remote with one of it's buttons already activated. There was a horrid scream that came from behind the Shadow and when he peered over his shoulder he was face to face with the very thing they were betting over. Raksis grabbed his new prey by the back oh his neck and reeled him around like a ragdoll. After Raksis finally killed the Shadow with a quick Force Choke, Wu laughed again, until his prisoner turned his hungry glare towards him.

"Woah, woah, brother..." Wu flinched when Raksis lunged for him, but everything went silent. Drastically. Wu turned his head to see a red-glowing figure hovering between the two Force users.

"Dredgen," Darth Bane's voice shook the entire ship. Wu seemed to be unfettered by the familiar visage. "Not Dredgen. It's Stranger now." Wu's smirk came back as he studied the material ghost. "Accept this Gift." Bane rose a single hand. and the ship began shuddering again. This time it felt like something was being attached to The Derelict. "A gift?" Wu's smile faded and turned into displeasure and distrust. The game just got interesting, and Wu got caught cheating. Was this a punishment? A Curse? A Blessing?

"What gift?"

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