Amari Kor

Jaqen H'ghar

The Faceless MadGod
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score

A feminine woman jumped out onto a nearby rooftop, face hidden by design rather than tricks of the shadows. Her captors following. "Amari!" They yelled, "We've got your ass this time!" She let out a chuckle as she notched a yellow fletched arrow into her bow turned towards the door that they would come through and waited till their shadows were seen. She let the arrow fly, it flew silently through the air missing all 3 of the men, imbedding itself in the wall directly next to the door.

"Really...all that talk about you being a sure shot with that thing and you miss? Who the hell uses that trash to kill someone with anyw-" The mans voice stopped cold as he noticed the arrow head beeping. The woman, persumed to be Amari let loose a chuckle, the arrowhead exploding with the strength of a thermal detonator which of was.

As the flames came up and wrapped around her personal force shield she took a few steps back steadying herself from the blast. "Well..that's that..." she said, her silky voice changing mid sentence to something gruffer...


That morning, at that same gangs compound a hooded figure approached. A high tech bow strapped to his shoulder, and arrows on his back. One of the men at the front door let him pass with a nod. "Hey Kor..." The man, who's name was apparently Kor simply nodded solemnly. "Hey Garv...sorry to hear about your brother. Another break in from that Amari chick right?" The guard nodded, a sadness and anger in his eyes. "There wasn't anything to bury...that bitch'll pay when we catch her."

Kor kept walking, a wide grin spreading across his face. He was newer to the gang, but advanced quickly due to him stopping several break in attempts by a thief named Amari, though he'd never caught her he'd saved several of the bosses spice shipments, millions of credits worth actually. Not without any wounds himself, and usually a few of the hired goons died as well to Amari's arrows...something he told his boss he himself adopted after the first night, seeing their efficiency. It was not normal of course, the choice of weaponry...but he told the head of the family he was fighting fire with fire. The Boss liked that idea quite a bit.

Today he would meet with the boss to discuss security. He let his smile fade as he passed a few more goons and entered into the head of the crime gang's office. "Good day sir..." Kor said with a nod. "I heard we got hit hard last night...same bitch?"

The Boss looked grave. "She made off with our account numbers this time. Cleaned out our holdings...everything. The boy's don't know what she took though, but I've gotta get going. This operations broke and the hutt's I owe money to are gonna be after my hide as well. Soon the boy will turn...You though, your loyal. I know you are, you've helped me with this problem so much. I need loyal men to rebuild. I'm going to be headed for big things soon. Big things, I tell you!" The Boss slamed his hand down on the table, an act of defiance, or probably delusion. The Boss was as good as dead, and Kor knew it.

"I appreciate it boss...but that's alot of heat. I won't say anything to the boy's though for you. Give you a head start, okay? You gotta get safe...I know a guy, can get you offworld..." Kor pulled out a datapad. "He's my own failsafe usually. Go there, ask for Ankar he'll set you straight ey?" The Boss took the datapad graciously.

"You're a good man Kor...Thank you." Kor smiled again, the same grin as before. "Thank you sir." Then turned and walked out. He pulled out a com and stuck it into his ear as he went, after half a block he spoke, though it was a strangely feminine voice. "Hey there baby...yeah I've sent him right to you. He'll be meeting Ankar, and Ankar will deliver him right to you. This part of town is as good as yours my pretty little sluggy...Just remember our deal though hmm? You paid good money for my skills, not just cause I'm a clawdite after all..." And with that Amari Kor closed the com link and headed to his ship ready to retire for the year after cleaning out the local mob boss and handing the sector of town over to the hutts...but of course, money runs out eventually.

Shortly after this, Amari Kor was pronounced dead to the galaxy...funny how the dead seem to rarely stay that way in this business...


Thermal Detonator Arrows
Flash Bang Arrows
EMP arrows
Smoke grenades
Wrist mounted semi-auto blaster.
Vibro Dagger
Modified jump boots to allow them to be concealed as armored boots
Personal force field​
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Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Holy ****! This one good piece of work!


Quizmaster General
SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score

You made a tranny...