Sith Order Anzijj


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


FACTION. Sith Empire
RANK. Champion
NAME. Anzijj (\awn - zey'juh\)
GENDER. Female, she/her
SPECIES. Dathomirian
HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 5'5'' & 110lbs

Anzijj was born on the dark planet Dathomir and raised amongst the Nightsisters in their villages. Ever since she was young, the other Nightsisters noted that there was something a bit off about Anzijj. She was completely unempathetic, cared nothing for anyone other than herself, and never showed any signs of guilt or remorse. It made her especially difficult to get along with as a girl, although she grew less outwardly callous and cruel the older she got.

In her early teens, Anzijj began to obsessively pursue the Nightsister magicks. Her natural affinity for the Dark Side and her disregard for risks of any kind - even her own - led to her quick advancement, and within months of reaching adulthood, she passed her trials to become a full-fledged Nightsister and Champion of the Sith Empire.

MAGICK. Anzijj studied the Nightsister magicks for the entirety of her teen years. Though she has a ways to go in order to master the arcane dark arts, she is still a formidable opponent while wielding the green ichor.

In addition to her Nightsister magicks, Anzijj is a fully trained Sith despite not training at one of the academies. She is competent in lightsaber combat, other applications of the Force, and is somewhat aware of Imperial politics.

Golden lightsaber hilt (x1)

No significant relationships.

Fanged Rebellion (ongoing)
Anzijj and Sol Kenuk travel to nip the beginnings of rebellion on Uvena Prime.
The Most Dangerous Game (ongoing)
Anzijj hunts down a diplomatic enemy wanted dead by the Empire.
Taris Chainsword Massacre (ongoing)
Along with Aadya Rasheer and Draugr, Anzijj goes to investigate reports of missing persons coming back with chainswords to kill people.

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