Argo Swan


SWRP Writer
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score

NAME: Argo Swan
FACTION: Imperial Republic
RANK: Agent
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 190cm
WEIGHT: 80kg


Born to a middle class family in Coruscant, he was well educated and excelled in maths and the sciences. He was earmarked for a career in the law after his university days, headhunted by a prestigious firm in the city. However, he never took the position, because he never graduated.

While studying, he joined a late night gambling club. His statistical acumen meant he quickly amassed a small fortune - at least in student terms. He therefore outstripped his fellow students in terms of appetite for gambling and had to find a club with deeper pockets.

It was not long before Argo found himself in underground clubs and coming to the attention of certain unsavoury characters. One such gangster recruited him and made him his proxy - giving him the financial backing to play, but also taking his growing winnings.

Of course all good things come to an end and eventually, after a particularly successful night, a disgruntled rival took action. Papers were forged and sent to his college. The Chancellor took no hesitation in expelling a cheat. With his university place taken away in the final term, so was his career before it started.

The shock and shame almost broke Argo. He spent a near month in despondency. His father, however, took action and secured for him an ensign's position in the Imperial Navy. He now serves aboard an Asperse class, the Adjudicator.


Older than most new officers, Ensign Swan feels he has a point to prove. He is ambitious and headstrong. He often comes up with alternative solutions to problems and will carry them through despite questions from those who hold to conventional wisdom.

The experience with his gambling and expulsion has had a salutary effect on him. He values order and law, but most of all loyalty. He will risk himself for his men and expects the same in return.


Tall and lean, Argo has his hair cropped close in a naval fashion. When he is not in uniform, his dress is functional, rather than fashionable.


Ensign Swan applies his statistical approach to all his choices. This makes him an astute strategist. He is not a great conversationalist, nor always tactful but people trust his judgement.

Physically, he passes the naval fitness test, but would never be in a position to transfer to the marines.


Competent with melee and ranged weapons
Good piloting (though feels more at home in something larger than a fighter)
Good technical skills - mechanical and software (though greater in theory than practice and so will often delegate such tasks)


Naval uniform
Blaster Pistol