Open Galactic Senate Chandrila Assembly of the Galactic Senate

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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The Speaker

"Point not well taken; please reserve raising a Point of Order for suspected Senate rule violations only."

"For those unaware, however,"
The Speaker pulled something up onto the holoscreen on her pod, and read from it. "The Senate has the sole power to enact bills, resolutions, amendments, motions, nominations, and treaties voted into law put forth by the representing members of the Senate." Her attention would shift back to Governor Hipori. "If your concern extends to a specific item please wait until the time arises and address it with your fellow representatives. Now," The Speaker would gesture to Carrick, "please continue your address."


Raz Chak

Senator, Carida

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Jul 21, 2021
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Raz was busy rereading and committing all of the items on the agenda to memory when to muttering of one of his aides caught his attention. "What the hell is he doing...?" Raz looked up and had to stifle a laugh as he took notice of Senator Graa's pod moving closer to his own. The Selkath was certainly brazen. It evoked the image of a high school classroom, one friend moving his desk closer to another's. It was hardly appropriate for the current setting, not that Raz particularly cared. He laughed aloud as the pod entered the berth beside his and spoke openly.

"Senator Graa! Always a pleasure!" He laughed again, ignoring any looks that might have been cast their way. "I hope you're not expecting me to take it easy on you." He added with a chuckle before turning his attention back to center stage. As to be expected, the ISC was quick to start making a fuss, Governor Julia Hipori in particular. Raz simply sighed and shook his head as the Speaker overruled her. The intended punishments had already been outlined along with said proposals. Was it really so hard to read? Secretary Carrick was quick to defend her before laying down the first item on the agenda. And as much as Raz thought of him as a traitor for abandoning the Republic, he had to agree with him on this matter. After the representative from Tinnel had finished Raz stood up and cleared his throat before activating his microphone.

"First I'd like to thank Secretary Carrick for taking interest in the matter of the New Republic's welfare, despite no longer counting himself among our ranks." He would nod respectfully to the ISC member before looking towards the FWA representatives. "Not that I could ever imagine our wonderful allies in the Free Worlds Alliance ever considering such measures. But even so, such matters are best put down in writing and made law, for posterity's sake if nothing else." Finally he would turn his attention to the Speaker. "On to my Point of Order. I humbly request that item seven on the agenda be moved up to item two. I think everyone here will agree that the matter of the vaccine's dispersal will inform our decisions on everything else today. Thank you." Raz would then take his finger off the microphone and step back, awaiting the Speaker's response.

@Rhogar @Nefieslab

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc was not one to lose his patience, and he didn’t even when one of his own delegates kept interjecting. Silver gaze lingered on Hipori, the stern look loud enough to remind her to stand down. There would be plenty of chances to be vocal and she was already painting herself in a light where others wouldn’t take her as seriously.

When the New Republic senator spoke in response to Carrick, Emryc turned to regard the man. As far as he knew, there was never a formal alliance formed between the New Republic and the Free World Alliance. In fact, with fundamentally different principles in both governing bodies, they were more like neighbors that cordially tolerated one another. With agenda items like the one to strip Drast of his personal assets on the docket, it wouldn’t be far reaching to assume the FWA could attempt blockades. Senator Chak made a vague comment about never expecting blockades, but supplied little in terms of concrete opinions on the matter.

“Perhaps you didn’t understand the Speaker,” The President spoke calmly, face impassive as always, “Point of Orders are for suspected rules violations only and it behooves us to follow that protocol regardless of our opinions on agenda order. Perhaps you can instead elaborate more on whether you support this particular motion and why or why not.”

The ISC President didn’t feel the need to add snark to his commentary when engaging other officials in the Senate room. That was best saved for fiery media exchanges. When it was time to work, the man would maintain dignity and respect as much as possible.

@Reyn @Nor'baal
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Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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Governor Hipori's haste in wanting her question answered, despite the session having yet to begin, made Sibyl roll her eyes discreetly. Even after the Speaker started the session by calling the topic regarding the decision of making it illegal for the FWA to block trade to the New Republic, Hipori continued to insist on an answer for her question. Sibyl needed to acknowledge the governor's determination to have her answers, even if that determination was very annoying.

Even before Secretary Carrick started his speech, Sibyl totally agreed with his proposal. Her homeworld, Brentaal, had most of its economy dependent on trade. A blockade by the FWA would have dire consequences to Brentaal, and to herself.

After Raz Chak, a fellow New Republic Senator, finished his speech, Sibyl stood up and activated her microphone "Like Senator Chak, I appreciate the concern of Secretary Carrick with the welfare of the Republic and its citizens" she nodded to the ISC representative, signalling her thanks "This topic in particular affects my people directly. As many of you must know, my homeworld Brentaal has most of its economy coming from trade and trade-related business. If a blockade of these proportions happens, the economy of my planet would suffer terrible consequences and billions would become unemployed" she said, putting emotion in her voice. Then Sibyl turned to the FWA representatives presents in in the Senate "But of course our friends of FWA would never allow the suffering of so many sentient beings, not only in Brentaal, but in all the Core Worlds that would be affected by such act. To show this friendship, I ask my colleagues of the FWA to see this proposal as an act of good faith between the NR and the FWA"

After finishing her speech, Sibyl returned to her seat, while thinking in the nearly impossible scenario of the NR and the FWA becoming truly friends.
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Caliban Drast

Senator, Coruscant

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Jan 9, 2021
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As always, things never went smoothly when so many politicians were gathered in one place. There was always something to slow down the proceedings, be they questions of order, legitimacy, or even bathroom breaks. He had heard more than one rumor that some of the older and more frail looking ones were probably sporting some sort of adult diaper to ensure they were able to stay in the chamber long enough to contribute in any meaningful way.

"The very foundation of this Galactic Senate," he spoke up, "was based on equal entities coming together to create something better. Equal members, with equal rights, equal duties, equal freedoms. And sure, some might point out that in some regards that equality might scale due to differences in resources, or population, but freedom is not such a thing. Each body has the ability, the will, and the right to make its own choices, to set up its own rules, and govern its own people." He paused, giving the statement the emphasis it needed. "What this body can decide is to moderate, to regulate. The Republic has the freedom to trade with whoever it sees fit, the Free Worlds by virtue of controlling the trade routes that the Republic uses has the right to impose restrictions on who travels through their space and for what purposes. What we, here, can do is regulate that. The Free Worlds might not support free trade and open borders, but they cannot impose those beliefs on the Republic without infringing on the Republic's freedoms. And that is what this body must defend."

He paused for a second to let his worths breathe, taking in a few faces around him. "This ruling will set the precedent for how future trade treaties will be dealt by this body. And deciding anything other than freedom to trade within member states without any external or internal restriction is bound to be a dangerous precedent to set. Coruscant forwards an amendment to the proposal, to make free, unobstructed trade between members a core principle of membership into this body." With the growing might of the ISC, the Republic could not afford to not trade with them, and the Free Worlds would always have the power to try and gain from that trade. Caliban knew some within the Republic might oppose his proposal, free trade was not everyone's cup of tea, but this was one that would do the Republic and the Galaxy the most good in the long run. And that was all that mattered to him.

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Raz Chak

Senator, Carida

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Jul 21, 2021
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Raz turned his attention to President Thorne as the man spoke up, maintaining a perfectly neutral expression as the politician took issue with his words, and asked for a more meaningful response to the former topic. The senator smiled warmly as he finished. "Ah, of course. You'll have to forgive this old man for getting his terminology confused." He bowed his head respectfully before turning his attention back to the Speaker. "May I correct myself in saying it is a point of the New Republic's personal interest..." He scanned across the room, briefly making eye contact with the FWA representatives. "And I think the personal interest of the Free Worlds as well, that we be promptly informed of the intended plan for the vaccine's dispersal, so that we can be more equipped to make informed decisions that will be representative of the will of our constituents."

Before he could speak any further the good senators from Brentaal and Coruscant added their own thoughts on the matter, throwing their support behind the motion. Raz nodded to both of them before looking back to Thorne. "To be clear, I support the motion as well. Trade must be free and unobstructed." He looed towards the FWA representatives once more. "I am certain our dear friends outside the New Republic will formally agree to never considering any blockades, in the interest of maintaining peaceful and open relations between our peoples."


Nicolas Clément


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The Good Doctor
Dec 22, 2020
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There may very well be tensions between the FWA and the Republic, and the agenda items do cast a bad light on the FWA since the agenda items of stripping a man of all his property and taking away his senator post have the FWA's name all over them. But Nicolas doesn't subscribe to such things as 'sticking it to the Republic' or the good people in it. New Alderaan looks out for it's own interests and would want to find harmony between the FWA and Republic.

However, the proposal does apply to only one of the blocs and not the rest. It would be illegal for the Free Worlds to block trade, but not the Republic or ISC to block select FWA worlds with their navies and such, or the FWA as a whole if either other government get a lot stronger. Isn't blockading an act of war anyways?

Nicolas would agree with Senator Drast's proposal as well. "I agree with Senator Drast's proposal as well for free uninhibited trade. I agree the FWA should not be block the New Republic's trade with the outside, but the same should apply to the ISC and the Republic doing the same as well as well, no? Individual members worlds' trade should be free & protected in writing as well. I'm sure we are all indeed above such things, so let that be our course." he said. With that, Nicolas would sit down.

@Nefieslab @Wit @Reyn
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Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

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Jul 26, 2021
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Jin sat comfortably in his pod, an arm draped over the top of his cushioned seat as the proceedings continued. He should have brought a tin of popcorn, maybe a cask of spotchka, to properly enjoy the drama that was unfolding around him. Nothing too exciting, but after skimming a copy of the agenda, Jin knew the spectacle was soon to come. He simply would have to wait.

However, on the other side of the chamber, he caught the eye of a certain senator from Balmorra. A light smile touched his lips. After making sure nobody else was watching, he waved towards the man, nodding respectfully, and offered a thoughtful gesture that relieved heavily on his middle finger.

Instead of provoking allies, shouldn’t you be trying to voice your opinion, sir?” said Kitay, his chief aide and political strategist. He had advised Queen Leyti for most of his life, and since Jin’s election, had been chosen to do the same with him. Naturally, the old man was about as insufferable as he was poorly dressed.

But there was no point arguing. Better to say something now, than later. Besides, this was his chance to make a splash.

Rising out from his seat, Jin smoothed the lapels of his velvet coat and allowed his voice to resound across the senate chamber. “Honorable delegates, let the record show that Fondor supports trade by any means. We cannot allow the borders of a map to further divide us. Planetary economies are like parachutes—they work best when they are open.

He lifted his chin to the light, his smile never once losing its luster. “Fondor seconds the amendment proposed by Senator Drast. Free trade should be a fundamental principle to this Senate.

@Wit @Mockingjay

Emil Ro

Faction Leader
Supreme Chancellor

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Jul 25, 2021
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"Sir," Joost said, elbowing Emil in the shoulder. "I do believe the esteemed Senator of Fondor is throwing you a rather obscene gesture from across the chambers."

Emil, who had his eyes closed and was massaging his temples as he listened to the opening prattle of the Senate, peaked across the chamber just in time to see the gesture to which Joost was referring. He met Jin's gaze and winked, a reply the Fondorian would undoubtably find infuriating, if indeed he saw it at all, and sunk back in his seat with a relaxed, lazy grin.

"Nothing to worry about, Joost," Emil said. "Senator Vaisra was just saying 'hello.'"

"And I suppose that wink just now was to express that the feeling was mutual?"

"No, that was quite clearly a 'fuck off,' just more artfully stated."

"I see. And have you anything to say about the current motion before the Senate?"

"Ah, yes. That." Emil rose and tapped a button on his pod that would allow his voice to be audible throughout the chamber. "Balmorra also lends its voice to Senator Drast's proposal. The very first Galactic Senate, eons ago, was convened to promote free trade between all who participated in that august body. It is in that spirit, and in acknowledgement of the innumerable challenges facing the member-worlds of this body, that I say we should not add one more burden—as the saying goes—to the camel's back."

@Wit @Feng Mian

Eder Owusaan

Republic Chancellor

Jul 29, 2021
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"How the hells was it that the New Republic, the beacon of true democracy in the current wasteland of political discourse, needed to have some treacherous snake raise the point about it needing to be illegal for the FWA to be able to cut us off from the rest of the Galaxy?"

The question was asked of his aides, neither actually answered.

"That was not a rhetorical question."

His closest aide, a Chiss who had decided he wished to serve within the New Republic, moved forward ever so slightly.

"I would suggest that the ISC is continuing to push the idea that they care about the masses. Secretary Carrick's speech seems to support this."

Eder very nearly rolled his eyes but he held back only because he was close enough to some senators that they might be able to tell what he was doing.

It should have been obvious to everyone that it was necessary and obvious to all but the most idiotic that the ISC wanted to gain points with the public. They had literally formed out of changing public perception in the Outer Rim until they were seen as a 'good thing'.

However, it was likely that the FWA did not want to part with such a powerful tool. He knew Rue too well to believe she wouldn't have used it if the New Republic had dared to stand against the FWA on a matter she deemed important enough.

That one of the items brought before the Galactic Senate was to remove one of the New Republic's own Senators from office and strip one of their own of his assets? It was just proof that the FWA was more than willing to play a dirty, dangerous, game of politics that Eder was adept at.

"Chancellor, will you be backing Senator Drast's addition?"

Eder leaned forward to speak into the microphone he now removed from mute.

"It is refreshing to see some levelheadedness remains even in those so willing to throw their weight behind the untested, Senator Carrick."
he began, intentionally using the man's former title in his insult toward both himself and the ISC, though, of course, not name-dropped, "However, Senator Drast has added much needed clarity and helped mold your suggestion into something much more workable. My own vote shall be for the esteemed Senator Drast's own additional proposal."

Jade Archer

Governor, Llanic

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Mr. Teatime
Jul 24, 2021
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The first item was one Jade felt was important. Llanic was one big trade port within the ISC with routes all the way into the core worlds. Besides which, economic blockades were barbaric as shown by the history of the old Republic. What other spoke on made perfect sense and only reinforced the decision Governor Archer had already come to by that point.

"Free and unobstructed trade between the members of this Galactic Senate," the icy-eyed woman spoke up from her seat, sitting up a little straighter in her seat. "Is something Llanic will support." And it was really that simple. Not that it required much debate, it seemed.

Jade was also now able to catch glimpses of how her fellow governors, the President, and the senators of both the New Republic and Free Worlds operated on the political stage. Stern looks from some, pompous bloviating from others, and not shortage of lengthy explanation. It was all very interesting given she was newer to civilized politics. She had much to learn from watching and listening.

Korre Belasi


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Jul 24, 2021
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A core part of the Free Worlds Alliance was a decentralized government which would serve as a cohesion between the worlds, but not trample on their individual liberties. Thus, Korre was hesitant at first. It was not due to the intent, but rather the wording which could be...better. Thankfully, Senator Draft proposed an amendment which satisfied her concerns.

Pushing her microphone, Korre would call out, "Belasco is in support of Senator Draft's amendment. Unrestricted trade is important to the galaxy's well being." That would be all she had to say for now as she leaned back into her seat once again. Her gaze shifted across the room, landing momentarily on all those which she had met recently, whether it had been through charity events or not.

Eumi Redrish

Senator, Kuat

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Jul 21, 2021
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“Mm. Item five.” She would read the item three or four times in its entirety, as she did with every item on the list, just to be sure she'd pick up on any loopholes that could be exploited. This one was simple enough. “Yes. I agree. The AMS Taskforce should include representation from all sides if we are to ensure equal and fair distribution of the vaccine once it is completed. We've certainly given the now-wealthy ISC enough of our credits to finance it, and you know how the Principal Director adores bad press. And bad investments.”

The Senator would offer a soft laugh at her little inside joke before continuing. “As for item four, while you're quite right that we need to send a strong message that we will no longer allow ourselves to be stagnant, and I admire the sentiment, I do believe this particular item will need to be amended before it can be passed. Senator Drast still has allies and, while his removal may lead to legal ramifications for him down the line, it is beyond the scope of the senate to levy such punishment onto an individual. Whether he deserves it is another matter entirely.”

When Governor Hipori spoke abruptly, demanding answers, Eumi's dark eyes lifted to gaze across the room at her. A point of order? Now? “Vilkinar, how long has Governor Hipori been in office?” Not long enough was her guess. Eumi let the Speaker handle the outburst though, her gaze returning to her datapad until her attention was pulled away a second time by that same Governor. Eumi's eyes narrowed. She was a stubborn one, wasn't she? “Vilkinar, I want everything you can find on that woman, please.” She ordered, listening in as the Speaker reminded the woman yet again of her place. It wasn't exactly difficult to understand the rules, and yet here they were. They should all be thankful they have such an astute and impartial speaker to keep everyone in line. The session would never end if people just started shouting whenever they felt like it.

Eumi enjoyed structure.

Soon enough the session was starting to warm up, the young Senator quietly listening as several much older Governors and Senators from each faction took turns speaking on the first item of the day. Trade blockades. There was no doubt where Kuat stood on them, and it seemed the others all felt the same. A slight smirk touched the corners of her lips though, listening to how Senator Chak spoke regarding Secretary Carrick. From many peoples' perspectives, he deserved the jab for leaving the New Republic to join the ISC, and she certainly didn't expect anything less than the almost belligerent candor Senator Chak was known for.

Unfortunately, that candor led to his own reprimand being levied for attempting to bump up the seventh item to second. Which one? Ah yes, the AMS vaccine. She certainly wouldn't have minded the change, but the agenda was decided on before the session began, and the order was now set. There would be no changing it unless the Speaker allowed a brief bending of the rules.

Once everyone else had finished, Eumi would stand to make her own address, activating her microphone before clasping her hands in front of her. “I stand here representing my homeworld of Kuat, a trade world within the New Republic that has, in its many centuries-long history, exported goods to nearly every conceivable government and planet in our galaxy.” It probably wouldn't be best to directly mention that that included the Empire and Zakuul at one point. “It is no secret how we feel about trade blockades. Therefore, we too place our support behind Senator Drast's amendment to this proposal. Free, unobstructed trade should be a fundamental and protected right for all members of all factions. New Republic, Free World Alliance, and the ISC.”

The tariffs for such trades would be a different matter.

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Tortus Graa


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Jul 24, 2021
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Senator Graa would smirk at Chak. "I would expect nothing less, my friend." He'd say in a light laugh.

Returning his focus to the rest of the meeting, Hipori was quick to not only try to steer the course of the Senate meeting, but also to continue on her current idiotic course despite the Speaker telling her to politely 'shove it'. She certainly wouldn't be winning the ISC any favors. Senator Carrick would speak of the legislature he wanted worked into law. And to any casual observer, he played the caring card right. He framed it as them looking out for the Republic. The truth of the matter however, was that they were worried about their own worlds located in Republic and F.W.A space, for that was where some of their wealthiest worlds were located.

And what was this? Senator Drast had finally decided to speak up. And he added something of worth to the docket. Perhaps seeing his name on the agenda reminded him he had a job to do. Graa silently hoped that even if the push for Drast's removal fell through, it would ignite a fire beneath him to get him to once more grab the reins and prove he deserved his position.

Using his cane to help him stand, Senator Graa would activate his microphone. "Governor Carrick, like some of our Republic colleagues, I must concur. It's good to see that you care about their trade, their benefits. Though a career in the military helps me see some of the lines a little clearer. Perhaps you're more concerned that we will blockade some of your wealthiest worlds. And though I will second the movement, only due to the addition of Senator Drast's amendments, perhaps one day you will enlighten an old man what schemes could possibly lead to that concern. Free and unobstructed trade for all factions and all worlds should be protected by this body."

He would then slowly ease himself back down into his seat as he turned off his mic, winking at Senator Chak.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The Speaker

As all the votes from the Senate representatives came in, a projected hologram displayed the incoming results. The vote was unanimous.

"Secretary Carrick's proposal has passed the vote with Senator Drast's amendment." The Speaker's voice rang out into the Senate chamber.

"Next item of business is a Single-Point Non-Discrimination Agreement, sponsored by the New Republic, which would 'prevent any government entity from pressuring individual planets to deny services/trades to other planets based on political affiliation.' "

The Speaker would hold up a hand, a gesture meant to hold any comments until the representing New Republic senator rose to argue their case.


Eumi Redrish

Senator, Kuat

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Jul 21, 2021
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At the Speaker's direction, Eumi would stand once more, stepping over to her microphone and taking one last look at the points she wanted to make regarding her proposal before activating it to address her colleagues.

“Thank you, Madam Speaker. My fellow representatives, the proposal I bring to the floor today is very closely related to the proposal we passed just now. I know that. But it is not the same. It is the opposite side of the credit chip. It's twin, in a sense. Let me explain. Giving planets the right to free trade should effectively prevent future blockades of one or a small group of closely spaced planets, yes, we've all agreed on that point. However, it does not prevent the planets themselves from refusing to trade with others or, more to the point, a governing body from pressuring the planets under their flag to use their right to free trade to deny fair commerce to entities, specific or general, that are outside of their government's purview.”

She didn't seem to direct her comments at any one faction, her words both impartial and carefully chosen to be universally applicable to all those gathered in the senate chambers today.

“What I am asking for with this Non-Discrimination Act is to make it illegal and punishable for a governing body to pressure or encourage their member planets, in whole or in part, to refuse trade to individuals or planets based on their political affiliation. Flagrantly or covertly. This would irrevocably affect free trade, which we have all agreed here today is a core principle of this body.”

She took a breath.

“If and when such acts of bad faith are discovered, I move that the offending parties should be held liable for their actions, sanctioned, and if their transgressions warrant it, removed from office. Exactly how they are sanctioned would be up to the senate as a whole to decide, as well as the weight of evidence needed to prove such behavior occurred. Most likely a trial. I am also well aware that there has been at least one question regarding what powers we as a senate can evoke and to what lengths we are able to sanction another body. An example of what a sanction might look like in this case would be allowing the member planets of the aggrieved faction the option to break contracts or amend their trade agreements with the offending faction for a set amount of time, without repercussions. Not pressured. Not encouraged. Simply allowed to make the choice on their own whether or not they would like to continue trade with the offending faction for the duration of the sanction. After the sanction is lifted, open trade should resume unhindered.”

"Thank you."

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Jade Archer

Governor, Llanic

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Jul 24, 2021
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The voting for the first item was over with little fanfare, most agreeing with the premise and Senator Drast's amendment. Making it illegal to block trade routes was an important first step after all and benefited everyone.

Jade's eyes found the speaker next when they spoke of the next item, then moved to Senator Eumi of Kuat. An introductory speech for the proposal had been well practiced and Governor Archer listened carefully, hands moving across her pad to transcribe the words onto the screen. This was another trade issue and so Jade took careful notes of the specifics given the sector she represented.

After the speech was down she put down her digital pen neatly beside the pad, slid both slightly aside, and folded her hands atop her desk.

"Senator Redrish. It's clear by your speaking for this proposal that Kuat is represented by a woman with a heart that looks for fair and free trade in the galaxy," she began with a dip of her head, expression still behind a small smile below sapphire blues. "Llanic is also a planet that relies on trade to prosper, so I can understand the purpose of this item." Those same eyes looked briefly around the room at the others before returning to the senator Kuat.

"But I fear this proposal may cause the opposite of what's intended." She glanced down at her datapad, "'Illegal and punishable for a governing body to pressure or encourage their member planets, in whole or in part, to refuse trade to individuals or planets based on their political affiliation. Flagrantly or covertly.'" Icy eyes came back up. "How can this be proven? On what entity or entities does the burden of proof lie?" They turned to the section of the Free Worlds senators, that Alliance of planets that deeply valued the free sovereignty of their systems.

"Rather than encourage free and fair trade I worry this would limit the galactically universal sovereign rights of individual systems and nations to shape their trade policy with the threat of sanction hanging over their head. Additionally, refusal of service is the long protected right of any merchant, from the most common street food stalls to the largest galaxy-spanning corporations."

Jade paused and looked again at Senator Redrish. "The punishment outlined here is the same as the crime. Economic sanction, defined as politically motivated trade prevention, is made illegal by this law and yet is also the consequence. If a planet or individual claims refusal to trade and demands sanction without a sufficient requirement for evidence, is that not the exact situation this proposal is meant to prevent? Could such a contradiction not set a poor precedence for the word of law and future proposals, as well as the spirit of free and fair trade that this body supports?"

She rose her hands and gestured toward the senator of Kuat.
"Surely you can understand these concerns as the representative of one such planet renowned for its mercantile spirit and long history of building ships? For example, if Kuat decides to refuses trade to a Free Worlds entity entirely of its own volition, that entity could then claim Kuat has political motivation or pressure from above to do so, bringing sanction down on it in retaliation. Who investigates the issue and determines if it is political pressure or not? What evidence is needed and how can any evidence found in favour of either side be proven legitimate or untampered? Words spoken in back alleys and boardrooms can't be pulled from thin air."

Governor Archer leaned back from her desk and microphone, flicking off the latter with a sharp-nailed finger, and yielded to the other speakers. Her concerns were legitimate and her tone even and controlled throughout, expression calmly shifting as she covered different facets of the proposal.

Naeva Rue

Prime Minister

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The Gatekeeper
Feb 9, 2020
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"The office of the Prime Minister votes yes on item one, amended."

Prime Minister Rue had agreed to the amended trade policy proposal without personal comment. A good start to dialogue between different factions and a wise decision and all parties agreed on those points.

The next proposal came from the NR and Rue's sense of suspicion rose to the surface. She was an experienced politician and could see some of the different angles around the proposal and how it could be used for different purposes. The Prime Minister understood that in politics the written rule determined everything over stated intent. Was there more to this than the Kuat Senator had said aloud?

Others began to speak and Naeva Rue became distracted by another matter. A Senate security officer stepped into her pod and leaned over to speak to her. Her expression darkened as she spoke back and forth with the officer before turning back, face returned close to neutral.

A little while after the door to Senator Tortus Graa's pod would slide open. Behind it was a the same lead officer he'd spoken to on his way inside the senate building and one of the guards who'd let him through. The lead motioned curtly to one of the senator's aides to speak to him in the hall.

"Concealed weapons are prohibited on senate premises. Please hand over the cane for confiscation." One of the guards held up a standard four point medical cane with a rubberized handle and plasteel construction. "Senator Graa may use this instead for the duration of this session." The lead's tone was coolly polite but his expression was set and didn't invite argument.

Naeuva glanced at the Manaan Senator's pod and then back to the ongoing discussion. She would wait for the opportunity to speak on this subject after other points and responses were made as she often did.



ISC Secretary of Defense

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Sep 11, 2020
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Governor Carrick.

Senator Carrick.

Did people simply not read or were they so taken in by this wordplay instead of straight insults? Oh, right, politicians. Of course it was the former. Though when the FWA Senator Graa stepped up to use his own vote to take shots across the bow at him, Carrick merely raised an eyebrow... before casually checking his datapad to confirm who the senator actually was and who he represented. Manaan? Truly? Well they'd seemingly had enough of cordial relationships with the rest of the Galaxy if they had elected this particular sentient to be their representative.

He was concerned that the FWA would block some of 'his' wealthiest worlds... when his entire point had been the New Republic being squeezed by the FWA? The ISC didn't, really, have wealthy worlds either - resource rich and thriving, certainly in some cases, but none that were enough to be classed as wealthy out of hand.

As for what schemes could lead to the concern that the FWA could use a trade blockade to starve billions of people for their own political gain? What could possibly have led him to believe it might be in danger of happening?

... Galactic History and some basic ethics to start with.

"Senator Graa, I care deeply about my people and I am touched that you seem to as well. Concerns about trade being used to strong arm the democratic peoples of the Galaxy are founded in historical fact. It was used to terrible effect in the rise of the much loathed Empire as, of course, you know. Would any politician not worry about the capacity for such a calamity to occur again, either by accident or foul play?" He questioned with the same, bright, smile as before, "But as you, and many others, have just voted, I'm sure I have no possible reason for any concerns and any I once held you have staunchly put to rest. My thanks, Senator Graa of the FWA, for putting my mind at ease."

But he didn't want to derail and bring the body back too much, merely raising an eyebrow in open and polite confusion in the vague direction of the rather ill-informed Selkath. Perhaps it was uncharitable to assume that the senator was lacking in intelligence but he certainly seemed to be rather stunningly ignorant of basic political history when he wanted to make a 'cutting barb' across the senate floor.

It seemed that they let anyone be senators these days.

The senate moved onward - though not too far it seemed. Instead the next item seemed to piggyback very much off of his own or, more accurately, the amended version of his own proposal. Leaning back in his seat slightly, he watched as the senator from Kuat made her point. Frowning for the first time since the assembly had begun, his nodded along with Governor Archer's points regarding the suggestion. Allowing his esteemed colleague to continue, he smiled slightly as he moved to his microphone again.

"Mirroring some points made by my colleague for Llanic, I do find some of the wording of this proposal to be rather... lacking in substance." he admitted, almost looking apologetic as he politely poked the argument made by the Kuati senator, "Who would be responsible for the investigation into the allegations? The Sector Rangers? Forgive me, senator, but the Rangers seem to be very busy with their current role and I doubt they'd thank you to add to them - they do deserve some R&R too after all! Surely planetary law enforcement could not be fully trusted to be impartial when their own homes are involved?"

Another dimming of the smile.

"Further - 'most likely a trial' feels very wrong to me. I am certain it is merely a twist of the words but it seems to me that this implies that you are uncertain if we would actually hold trials. Surely a trial is the least that is demanded? Innocent until proven guilty is precedent for all our bodies. It would need to be, especially if one of the punishments you seem to be suggesting is empowering parts of this body to strip representatives of the powers democratically granted to them by their constituents and protected by the nation they belong to." he shook his head slightly, "There is uncertainty from yourself in regards to the extent of punishment, how it shall be investigated and even if there would be trials as a matter of course..."

He shook his head regretfully.

"Speaker; before this proposal is brought to a vote I would like to propose that it undergo more thorough peer and expert examination and revision to include far more detail. I would like to motion for the item to be removed until it can be reworked and reintroduced in a more complete form at a later date."

@Rhogar @Tess @lizziie @Wit @Mockingjay @Sreeya @Isen @Nommie @The Good Doctor @LouJoVi @Reyn @Altaris @Mr. Teatime

Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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After the number of votes that the first item received were presented, the Speaker announced the next topic of the agenda, which was proposed by Senator Eumi Redrish of Kuat. Said Senator started to explain and defend her proposal of a Non-Discrimination Act regarding trade between planets, another topic that affects her homeworld’s economy. The Brentaal Houses, the influential families that ran the planet's trade guilds and represented the citizens in Brentaal's democratic government, were strong supporters of free trade policies. However, the way that Senator Redrish was proposing this Non-Discrimination Act did not make clear important points and the use of sanctions as punishments could alienate the trade guilds.

That item seems a little confusing. How said cases of refusal of trade are going to be investigated? Who would investigate them?” for the first time Tristodd said something that Sibyl also agreed with. “Senator, I think that you should not support this one.” he said, turning to her as if waiting for an answer.

Yes, I agree with you.” the Brentaalan Senator answered her aide, but soon regretted it when he gave her one of his unnerving cheerful smiles. Before Tristodd could say anything else that would make Sibyl want to throw him from the pod, the Governor Jade Archer of Llanic made her speech presenting concerns about the item being discussed. After her, spoke the turncoat Secretary Carrick, who also questioned the viability of Senator Redrish’s proposal. Then Carrick proposed its revision, a decision Sibyl agreed to.

After the Secretary finished, Sibyl rose from her seat and activated her microphone “Like the honorable Senator Redrish, I also support the ideals of free trade, after all the economy of my homeworld depends on trade. However, how it was presented so eloquently by the representatives of the ISC, her proposal does not seem to clarify important points. Who would investigate the reasons for the refusal of trade? How would these cases be investigated? Who would judge them? ” she paused, watching the reaction of the other members of the Galactic Senate “Due to that, I concur with the proposal of Secretary Carrick that this item should be examined and revised before being voted on. I also make a sugestion that maybe can be added in this revision. Regarding the judgment of these cases perhaps a comitee formed by some members of this august institution, should be responsible to do it.
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