Ask Attack on Fondor

Ryujin Izanagi

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 24, 2022
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This is a covert style attack, so looking at no more than 2v2. Whoever wants to join in on the Sith side please PM/Discord me so I can let you know the details. This is also not an invasion so no combat NPC's are present.

Fondor, second only to Kuat in terms of manufacturing power for the New Republic. A master shipyard, here dozens of Nebulon-D Frigates, Starhawk III Battleships, hundreds of TwinTail Starfighters and a multitude of other combat craft left the assembly lines to fight in the war against the Sith Empire. It was a prime target for the Inquisitorius and the Empire at large, however this priceless asset sits deep behind enemy lines. An invasion is out of the question, the resources required to successfully take such a world are astronomical, but pail in comparison to those needed to keep it firmly under Sith Control.

But this world cannot be left to produce weapons of war against the Empire. This is the reason Inquisitor Susanoo had been tasked with leading an elite strike team to infiltrate the Fondor Orbital Shipyards and strike a decisive blow against its production capabilities and the New Republic at large.

Shipyard L-13 was to be the target of this assault, one of the larger shipyards it was fundamentally involved in the production of the mighty Starhawk Battleship. However the reason for its choice was its close proximity to two other shipyards. Susanoo’s directive was to secure the navigation controls of the shipyard and program an override which would send L-13 into L-12 and L-16.

The undercover Inquisitor had arrived around thirty minutes ago, once again his natural physical appearance was hidden encase he was to be recognised. His hair dyed black, a thick blonde strip down the right side of his head, green contacts and a half mask to cover what looked like a scarred mouth from view. He wore a light coloured tunic similar to those worn by the Jedi Order, at his hip was a pair of sabers, one green and one blue. After the fall of Ajan Kloss and the sack of the Jedi Temple, the predecessors Inquisitorius and ISB had combed the temple for Jedi Artefacts for just such an occasion. To any that walked by Susanoo would appear as a Jedi from the famed order that had protected the New Republic and Free World Alliance from the terrible Sith Invaders.

Moving through the crowd of on and off duty workers he headed towards the navigation control room for L-13, his eyes constantly scanning the vicinity for potential hostiles be them Jedi or Ranger.

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

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Jun 16, 2021
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Jaikus arrived on Fondor only minutes after Susanoo, stepping off of a separate, civilian transport that brought him from the planetary surface and to the main platform of L-13 - purposefully distanced from his partner in this operation. The Axxilan had received the mission brief and directives to travel to Fondor, and he spent most of the journey to the planet preparing himself for the high stakes mission.

There was no denying the strategic value and importance of Fondor and its orbital shipyards. It was second only to one other planet in terms of production, and seizing it from Republic hands would be a detrimental blow to the Republic and their ability to effectively combat the Empire. Of course, it was impossible to take and hold the territory - so deeply nestled in the heart of Republic space - and it was precisely for that reason that subterfuge and sabotage would be the chosen weapons of the Empire today.

Like his companion, Jaikus kept his physical appearance shrouded and altered to fit the needs of their operation. He was adorned in light-colored Jedi robes and an ornate mask, coupled with a blue-bladed lightsaber on his hip. Even beneath the armor, the Axxilan had taken steps to alter his appearance - wearing a pair of blue contacts and dying his naturally dark hair a light shade of brown. As per usual, the Axxilan was known only to Susanoo by his official ISB moniker of ‘Wraith’.

Jaikus casually weaved his way through the crowds of workers and shipyard officials, his appearance as a Jedi - one assigned to protect the key strategic facility - sparing him from any unwanted questions or attention. In the off chance he was stopped, the Axxilan had taken the time to secure a fake ID and authorization card - which while it certainly wouldn’t match with any official Jedi records, would be more than enough for any security that was on duty.

As part of the mission brief, Jaikus had received a vague description of the person he would be working with and their undercover appearance. As such, it didn’t take the Axxilan long to spot Susanoo moving through the crowd - already starting to make his way towards the navigation center. After a few moments - enough to confirm who the Inquisitor was - did Jaikus reach out subtly - sending a pulse through the Force that would brush against Susanoo’s mind. It was enough to alert the Inquisitor of his presence and location, and confirm his identity subtly.

With that brief bit of acknowledgement, Jaikus gradually began to make his way towards the navigation center as well. He purposefully kept his distance from Susanoo, taking an alternative route to the navigation center that took him along the perimeter of the platform - giving him the opportunity to scan the crowd for any Jedi or security as he closed in on their objective.


Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

Character Profile
Jul 26, 2021
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Jin had expected to celebrate following Corellia’s secession, knowing their loss meant Fondor’s gain when it came to lucrative Republic and Free Worlds military contracts, but instead all he did was sulk. Even as appointment requests flooded in, even from Prime Minister Belasi, nothing could fill this horrible, foreboding ache in his chest. Chancellor Ro was dead. The Core was in tatters. The Rim was suffering an onslaught of invasions, from Yavin to Ithor and Lothal. How long before Fondor was next? How long before assassins came knocking on Jin’s door?

Sir, you’re making that face again,” said Venka, his Midori bodyguard, a worried look in her eye. “Don’t tell me you’re still thinking about him.

Emil. Of course. She knew Jin had been tearing at himself for the last few weeks following the man’s death, guilt weighing on him like a heavy coat, and he hated that she could tell. He hated feeling so pathetic. “I know,” he said irritably. “I’m not in the mood for another lecture, Venka. Not when we have more important business to attend to.” Like making sure everything was running smoothly at Fondor’s Orbital Shipyards.

In the navigation room of Shipyard L-13, Jin stared between the viewport windows overlooking Fondor's orbit and the computers arrayed around the room. Since he’d traveled by his own ship, he wore a generic flight suit—although it was styled with Republic colors—along with what weapons he typically carried. It might’ve seemed much for a Senator, but he wanted to give the appearance of a “working man” to the people of Fondor, not a heartless politician.

The computers offered a general look into the facility, courtesy of at least a hundred surveillance cameras, made to keep watch on those working in such an important place. As he surveyed the screens, everything looked fine so far. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Until, at least, he he spotted the sight of two unfamiliar figures, those who stuck out from the crowd like a pair of sore thumbs, stepping off a civilian ship reserved for workers. Jedi.

Why were they here? Jin personally reviled the Jedi religion, and since Grandmaster Voran had publicly invaded Chancellor Ro’s mind, they hadn’t been exactly welcome to key Republic military installations unless by invitation. Besides, shouldn’t they be busying themselves in the Rim, defending the Alliance? He chalked it up to a matter of them wanting to beg for more ships, but they had scheduled no appointment. They had come separately too, each heading for the navigation room. Why?

Unlike the Sector Rangers, they commanded no real authority so far from their temples. They couldn’t just stride in without identification or warning. “Take us to Yellow Protocol,” he ordered one of the mechanics present. They didn’t bother questioning him. Several blast doors slid over the already sealed entrances from inside of the control room. No alarm would sound in the facility, though. This was merely a precaution. “Intercept those Jedi. I want to know what they’re up to.


In moments, four armed guards would approach each Jedi separately, at least twenty meters beyond the navigation chamber. They’d make no attempt at capturing them. Instead, a hologram of Jin would each appear before them, who stood rigid with his hands clasped behind his back. “Pardon the interruption, gentlemen,” he crooned. “But what are you doing here?

His lips pursed, trying to maintain his patience. “The Republic may tolerate the Jedi, but these yards are owned by Fondor shareholders and the royal family, and I am members of both. I don’t know what middle management cleared you in, but you cannot waltz through every installation like you own it.

@Braden @Altaris

Ryujin Izanagi

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 24, 2022
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Something pinged through the cosmic energy of The Force, it took Ryujin a moment to realise that it was ‘Wraith’ the ISB operative who had been assigned to support the Inquistorius mission. Ryujin did not turn to face the man, instead he kept his gaze lazy sweeping from side to side like an ordinary Jedi walking through the facility.

The robes itched, could the Jedi not afford at least half decent tailors, he wondered as he scratched at his armpit. The rough woollen tunic was going to leave at least a dozen rash marks he was sure of. Ryujin was halfway through a rather pleasing scratch of his lower back when he noticed four armed guards approaching him.

He frowned at the group as they approached, the workers parted like ants from fire giving them easy access to the undercover Inquisitor. “Gentleman.” He said greeting the four in a typical core world accent, slightly modulated by the mask across his face. The lead guard held out a small projector which brought another frown from Ryujin before a blue projection of the Fondorian Senator appeared before them.

Giving the Senator a small bow of the head he looked the half translucent man in the face. “Senator Vaisra, apologies for not informing you of our arrival. It was intentional however, we have heard rumours through our allies in the Sith Empire that Fondor is to be a target for an upcoming Imperial assault.” Hey he wasn’t telling a lie.

“To avoid anything being intercepted we were tasked by Grandmaster Voran to contact the Captain of the station directly. However if you are here upon the station, I would happily debrief you of what we know.” Looking around at the workers who were giving the group a number of strange looks, he turned back to the Senator. “Ideally in private. I do not wish to incite panic.”

@Altaris @Song

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

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Jun 16, 2021
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Beyond that initial ping through the Force, Jaikus made no further attempts to get Ryu’s attention or alert the Inquisitor of his presence. That was more than enough to alert the Inquisitor of Jaikus’ arrival, and the Axxilan had no desire to drawn any more attention to himself or Ryu.

Instead, he continued to casually weave his way through the crowds of off-duty workers and shipyard administrators - keeping his hands tucked against his back and eyes drifting across the facility, a slow but methodical gait bringing him closer to the navigation center and Ryu.

A few moments passed before Jaikus spotted the four armed guards approaching, his eyes narrowing ever-so-slightly. He doubted that their cover had been blown by this point, but any attention from the security at the facility was something the Axxilan had hoped they could avoid entirely. He watched as the hologram appeared, immediately recognizing the man who stood rigidly before them.

“Apologies for the intrusion, Senator Vaisra. But we can ensure you that it was necessary.”
His voice was slightly modulated by the mask he wore, while Jaikus additional tinged his accent to that of someone of Nabooian upbringing. Jaikus could vividly remember the last time he had met Jin in person, his mind immediately going back to that party on Onderon - despite knowing the Senator would never be able to guess the Axxilan’s identity.

“We have reason to believe your communication channels have been compromised. Sending a transmission would have posed a risk to yourself and those located here on the station.”
Jaikus gave his ‘companion’ a nod, agreeing with the sentiment to take things into a private setting. While he maintained a perfect composure, Jaikus allowed his gaze to rapidly flick between the assembled guards that surrounded them - his glances hidden behind the mask he wore.

@Braden @Song

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

Character Profile
Jul 26, 2021
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Rumors are not facts,” Jin told the green-eyed man. “And if Voran sent you, she could have at least come herself, if this is such a pressing matter.” His eyes flicked to the other man. The fact they both wore masks despite appearing human brought on a prick of suspicion, but he pushed those thoughts aside. He was wearing one too, after all, just with a transparent visor.

Do not tell me how to handle my business, Jedi. My transmission channels are locally encrypted, and even the finest Syndicate slicers could not break it.” He made a show of pride, but even he couldn’t be sure. This was the Sith they were talking about. A technological behemoth, whose ships could traverse the Rim undetected, whose alchemists could create hosts of abominations. What other breakthroughs they might’ve made could very well involve infiltrating Republic security systems.

No, he thought. The Sith had lost Denon. They had yet to so much as touch the Core. They couldn’t have possibly infiltrated the Republic in such a manner.

His jaw clenched. “Be that as it may, I will hear you out. My guards will escort you to a conference room on the first level, where we may speak privately.” Jin ended the transmission, then inclined his head to Captain Keenan, who like an idiot, had been rubbing his beard suspiciously for the last minute. “Relay a message to Grandmaster Voran about these Jedi she’s sent us. Use an encrypted civilian channel. Send it to the surface first, then have them forward it. Just in case.

It would take several minutes, though he wouldn’t wait around for an answer. Once the Jedi were secure in the conference room, Jin would leave the navigation chamber with Venka in tow, the blast doors quickly closing behind them. With Yellow Protocol still in effect, any attempt to break inside would result in a system lockdown. No one would be able to re-enter besides him.

Or so he believed.


The conference room was nothing special. Drowsy with golden light and a view of the planet surface, it contained a long table and at least a dozen cold, metal seats. A pitcher of wine—gods only know how long it had been there—sat in the center with some spare glasses. But Jin was not there to drink and make fun with the Jedi. This meeting was purely informative.

Instead, once the doors into the room slid open, he’d stand on the threshold with a hand resting casually on his concealed blaster, his boredom clear through his visor. Venka, similarly armored and arrayed with her many hidden knives, stood behind him, as did a dozen Republic soldiers. Four guards, one for each corner, were also posted in the room, just as a precaution. The Chancellor had not spoken kindly of the Jedi in the last Senate assembly, and that was just months before his assassination.

Of course, while Jin knew the Jedi weren’t responsible, he still had his own suspicions.

He kept the walls around his mind high, as did Venka, to the point where no amount of handwaving or tampering of the Force could trick or distract him. “Gentleman,” he began then, cutting right to the chase. “Greetings. Now, what is this about a Sith attack?

@Braden @Altaris

Ryujin Izanagi

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 24, 2022
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“If we had facts Senator, it would not just be two Jedi but an entire strike force. Any Sith found within the borders of the Republic or Free World needs to be dealt with.” Ryujin replied with a stern tone. Ryujin could see the mind of the senator weighing their words against his gut feeling, it was a shame they had encountered the Senator whilst here, especially one as hostile to the Jedi covers they were using as Jin Vaisra. But there was nothing they could do now.

As the guards began to move to ‘guide’ the two towards a conference room, their time limit to carry out the mission only shrank. Their covers were relatively strong, but a probe in the wrong direction could unravel them fast. They would need to deal with the Senator quickly and move onto the command/navigation bridge as soon as possible.

The conference room was, like all business suites, bland and boring. Wine sat in the middle but if the Senator had expected either of them to drink it he was mistaken. Glancing over at one of the guards whilst they waited, Ryujin asked. “Why is your Senator so hostile to our Order? We are only here to help.” He tried to add a little sincerity to the words but the modulation through the mask didn’t quite give the edge his natural voice could.

As the senator entered Ryujin moved forward to greet him, he gave a short glance to ‘Wraith’ motioning towards the guards that surrounded them. A faked look of concern in his eyes. Ryujin stopped just out of arm's reach of Senator Vaisra and gave the man a small bow of the head. “Senator Vaisra, you don’t seem like a man to mince words so I shall not either.” Ryujin took a deep breath before continuing. “As I said sources within the Sith Empire have informed us that there is to be an imminent strike on Fondor and Kuat. Small task forces led by trained Sith operatives are too look to eliminate or disable orbital shipyards, thus leading to a drop in the combat effectiveness for the New Republic Fleet.” He looked towards the women behind him for a moment.

“It seems Denon and Yavin have been a blow to their pride, they now strike from the shadows instead of looking to meet us head on. Myself and Jedi Reisu here have been tasked with keeping an eye on Fondor. My colleagues Jedi Master Nise and Jedi Denwa De have been sent to Kuat to check on the shipyards there. I ask, has anyone strange been sighted on the shipyards of late?”

@Altaris @Song