Ask Attack on Titan: Hope for the Hopeless


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Nov 26, 2019
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Haase didn't enjoy being talked down to, but he eventually complied. With that out of the way Fulk proceeded along with Jorah, jetting up to the roof behind him. In honesty it was somewhat relieving. Their ODM gear would be much more effective operating within the town. Of course that didn't change the fact this was still a human settlement being overrun by monsters, it's inhabitants slowly devoured. They needed to stop it.

The other squads complied with Jorah's orders, and Fulk silently followed him in the advance. As Jorah and Hector went after the first titan they encountered, Fulk nodded simply in acknowledgement of his order to keep moving. He and Magda continued jetting forward, swinging from building to building, scanning for titans. Once again Fulk privately agonized over their squad being split up further. In groups of just two now they were further isolating themselves. With less eyes to keep a look out they were more vulnerable to attack.

These thoughts were interrupted however when a terrified scream caught his ear. Fulk turned his head, spotting a five meter titan bent over and trying to grab at a middle aged man. The man was screaming, stabbing at the monster's hand with a pitchfork to try and keep it at bay. Reflexively Fulk reeled in his hooks mid flight and turned his body in the direction of the titan, firing them again and getting an attack angle on the monster. "He's mine!" The cadet shouted to Magda as he prepared to reel himself in. "Watch my back!" Without waiting for a reply he shot towards the titan, leaning forwards as he zipped over the creature's exposed nape and getting a clean cut. As it collapsed he continued his flip prepared to land with his feet on the wall of the next building over.

As his head came up however, he was shocked to see a titan on the roof of the building just above him. Where the hell had that come from? "Fuh..." He uttered breathlessly as he quickly released his hooks from the building. He spun in the air, using his blades to chop off the fingers of the titan as it tried to grab him. As he fell he tried to engage his ODM gear again, but he was closer to the ground then he realized, landing in a flowerbed and having the wind knocked out of him. Fulk grunted and squirmed, his back aching terribly from the impact. Looking up he blanched with terror. The second titan was now reaching down at him with it's other hand. Fulk struggled to get up, but knew he wouldn't make it in time. Thankfully Magda was there, swinging in from behind at the last second and slicing open the titan's neck, killing it.

The monster fell off the building and collapsed nearly right on top of Fulk, only scaring him further. Looking up he saw Magda land awkwardly on the roof above and hop a few steps before regaining her balance. "H-hey! I killed one!" She shouted in a mixture of fear and triumph. Fulk meanwhile, flushing with embarrassment from the frightened display he had just given, shouted back angrily.

"Will you stop messing around! What the hell took you so long?" Above Magda frowned and crossed her arms.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm not an expert with this stuff like you are." The cadet replied sarcastically. "I had to get a good angle on him. Relax. You've still got all your limbs right?"

"Limbs I'm going to use to kick your ass!" Fulk shouted back as he got up and exchanged his blades for fresh ones. But after this he just growled as he jetted himself back up to the roof. They had to keep moving. They had to clear out enough titans so the engineers could come in and seal the breach... somehow...



Gym Rat - 29 - Canadian
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer

Apr 23, 2018
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Jorah Miller would turn to see the other two engage the titan as he continued to move forward. They had no time to be trying to get an entire squad to fight one titan. The amount of time it would take for 4/5 to attack one titan, More would be flowing in through the breach. Now was the day to show within themselves what they are made of and to work efficiently. Jorah would state unemotional as managed to push closer towards the Titan in his direction.

Hector was close on Jorahs heels as he shot his ODM gear out and it caught snuggly in the roof of a building. Letting the reel drag him towards the Titan with speed as the last second the Titan would raise his hand in almost like a glove like attempt to catch him as Jorah smashed through his hand with speed and let his blades do the work as the Titans fingers came falling off and sizzling to the ground with a smoke.

Thankfully Hector was on his heels as the initial attack on the Titans hands blocked his view from seeing where the Titan moved as Jorah came flying into a glass window of a house. The loud crash happening as glass stuck into his body and he came into a hard roll on the wooden floor. He landed in the hallway on the second floor as he growled and stood up. Hector however had better luck as the hand was severed and came flying in to the Titans neck and hitting the nape directly.

Jorah would push himself out the window and get himself back up the roof as blood trickled down his face and arm. He felt the damp warm fluid run down his face as the blood dripped off his chin. Looking ahead with a blank stare he would turn to the others. "We're getting close. Keep moving." he would remark flatly as he shot out his ODM gear and began to advance towards the main area of the district where the breach began.



Professional Human
SWRP Writer
OOC Account

Nov 26, 2019
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Fulk and Magda would continue to push for the breach alongside their comrades. They approached yet another titan, this one another seven meter wandering blindly through the main street. The two cadets looked to each other and nodded, this time taking the opportunity to work in tandem. Fulk jetted ahead and landed on the roof of the building to the titan's right, running along the tiles on foot. As the monster turned and took a swing at him he leapt over the hand and shot forward again, firing one anchor into it's torso and swinging around behind it. Meanwhile Magda used the distraction to go low, flying between the titan's legs and slicing it's heels open. The monster fell down on it's knees, and Fulk swung in to take the kill.

"That's four..." Fulk muttered to himself as he formed up with Magda again and continued on. But their series of small victories was about to come to an end. Finally the two cadets landed atop a roof on a building not far from the breach. There were a dozen titans all clustered together at the breach, and a packed crowd of them right beyond the wall. There was no way they'd be able to get close enough to attack. They couldn't possibly account for all the titans that would be grabbing at them.

"What do we do?" Magda asked nervously, turning to look at Fulk. The cadet bit his lip as he considered. Honestly? He would have liked to just call a retreat. There was no point in attempting to seal the breach any more in his eyes. They had lost it. It was simple as that. Maybe if they fell back and set up a perimeter of canons and elite soldiers they could stem the tide. He just didn't know...

"We hold position here, wait for Miller." He said finally, sheathing his blades and sitting down on a window sill. He stared blankly at the mass of titans congregating around the breach. Jorah was squad leader. This could be his problem to solve. Fulk didn't envy him one bit.



Gym Rat - 29 - Canadian
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer

Apr 23, 2018
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Jorah Miller would meet up with the rest of them as the blood dried to his face with a little more coming out of his wounds and back down over the dried blood. Jorahs eyes would scan the breach as they seemed to just be constantly pouring it. Standing high on the rooftops next to Fulk and the rest, Jorah would shake his head and turn to Magda. "Fire a blue signal. We need to regroup with command." He would watch as it seemed a suicide mission to even attempt to go towards there. Bodies were strewn across streets, smashed under rock. It was pure chaos.

Jorah would wait until Magda fired a flare. Soon after the signal was up, magda would turn to Fulk and almost blatantly blurt out like the thought just came to him. "Fulk isn't your family from around here?" He would look at him with a confused face. Jorah would turn his head at the question and look back to Fulk as he waited to see what he was going to say or react to. The other squads participating in the attack with Millers squad would meet up on the roof as they seemed smaller in numbers and exhausted.

"Miller." he would say gasping for air. "We lost half our squad, we seen your signal flare..We need to head back. This is lost." Miller would stand there not saying a word as he turned his head to address the squad leader before nodding to him and speaking flatly to the exhausted cadet. "Get moving, pull back." he turned his head back to Fulk as his eyes stared right through him. "I suppose you want to go find your home?" He seemed almost inconsiderate like it was a nuisance or burden.



Professional Human
SWRP Writer
OOC Account

Nov 26, 2019
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Fulk remained silent as Magda brought up his family, remaining seated on the window sill and looking at the carnage before them. His knee was bouncing nervously, and the cadet turned to look at each of his fellow soldiers in turn. Magda seemed worried, and Miller was cold and distant as always. "Yeah." The young cadet answered Magda curtly. Otherwise he stayed silent. It was a troubling situation. He had seen no sign of his family among the refugees. And the town here was in utter chaos. It would be dangerous to mount a search now, especially when he was very worried about just what he'd find...

That's when the second squad arrived, and Miller gave the order to fall back. He also asked Fulk if he would like to see if his family was alright in the most condescending way possible. The cadet immediately jumped to his feet, hands balling into fists. His animosity with his squad leader immediately made his decision for him. "Yes sir as a matter of fact I would." He hissed back venomously. He glanced briefly at Magda. "Don't let me slow you down, I'll handle my affairs myself." Without waiting for permission Fulk ran and leapt off the roof, engaging his ODM gear and flying off into the town, disappearing from view. Magda called after him but he would not respond, the cadet instead turning back to Jorah worriedly.

"Shouldn't we follow him?" She asked, already with her swords in hand. Meanwhile Fulk flew from one street to the next, doing his best to avoid any titans. Even when he spotted other civilians screaming and begging for help as they were attacked, he begrudgingly ignored them and remained focused on his task. His gas was low, he had no more time to waste on helping others.

Eventually he would land before a house, the roof partially torn open. A brief look around confirmed there were no titans about, at least for the moment. Fulk would immediately run inside, calling after his parents, but there was no one there. No sign of a struggle and no blood or severed limbs. Some furniture was overturned, and it looked like whoever had been here left in a hurry, but that was it. After searching fruitlessly for any sign of what happened or where his family may have gone, Fulk just let out an exhausted sigh and walked over to the kitchen table, picking up a chair and sitting down. Alone, he put his head in his hands and sat there queitly.
